Hardware and peripherals   SATA HAT

Topic Replies Activity
Ubuntu Server - ARM64 for Pi4 11 June 16, 2020
ISSUE - Adding SSD or HDD on USB2 port 4 June 14, 2020
Access to UART0 (and other GPIO) and USB-C port 18 June 13, 2020
UPS for SATA HAT kit and controlled by PI? 6 June 11, 2020
Raid 10 possible? 3 June 11, 2020
Raspberry Pi4 - New beta firmware and Quad Sata problem 5 June 11, 2020
RAID Woes with SATA Hat, Rpi4, 4x 1TB WD Red Disks 9 June 10, 2020
Only seeing 2 of the 4 drives in raspbian 5 June 10, 2020
Lower temps Pi in Quad SATA Hat 3 June 10, 2020
Trouble creating RAID 5 with 4 drives 13 June 8, 2020
QUAD SATA KIT for Raspberry PI disk temperature 11 June 8, 2020
QUAD SATA KIT for Raspberry PI overheating 15 June 5, 2020
FSTRIM is not working for SSD + Quad SATA Hat 5 June 3, 2020
SATA HAT disk order 7 June 3, 2020
Quad Sata Kit for Raspberry Pi 4 2 June 2, 2020
SATA Top HAT not working? 9 May 12, 2020
Where do I find the specs? 2 April 24, 2020
Is there a way to rotate the text on the Top Hat OLED Display? 6 March 19, 2020
Use hat without nas? 2 March 16, 2020
Drives disappear when using an ATX PSU 8 February 26, 2020
Raspbian crashes when creating filesystem 11 February 25, 2020
No display activity on top hat 9 February 24, 2020
Quad SATA kit power supply recommendations 11 February 16, 2020
Penta SATA HAT Kit for Rock Pi 4 1 February 12, 2020
Irregular booting with HDDs 12 February 11, 2020
Power button on SATA Top Hat 10 January 27, 2020
How to access the drives 14 January 26, 2020
Troubles Accessing SSD's 8 January 26, 2020
Quad SATA-kit Top Hat install script missing 32 January 25, 2020