BLUF: I can see 4 drives in my “Storage | Disks” section, but I cannot see them in “Raid Management” to create a raid.
I am able to get all 4 (1TB WD Red) drives to appear in the OMV GUI by adding the following to /lib/udev/rules.d/60-persistent-storage.rules
KERNEL=="sd*", ATTRS{idVendor}=="1058", ATTRS{idProduct}=="0a10", SUBSYSTEMS=="usb", PROGRAM="/root/ %k", ENV{ID_SERIAL}="USB-%c", ENV{ID_SERIAL_SHORT}="%c"
and adding an executable /root/
#!/bin/bash /sbin/hdparm -I /dev/$1 | grep 'Serial Number' | awk '{print $3}'
However I cannot get the drives to appear in the RAID Management despite doing a secure wipe on all drives.
The file, when executed manually, produces an error:
HDIO_DRIVE_CMD(identify) failed: Inappropriate ioctl for device
I figure it is possibly due to the fact that the subsystem is USB (which OMV warns won’t show drives mounted as such in the RAID Management), but I cannot get it to use the scsi subsystem.
Any thoughts?