MIPI Display Support

The next thing to resolve is the touch screen function. How to set it properly on debian.

that should be easy becaus it is just i2c

I have a problem with how to calibrate the touch area.
When I want to touch the top-left area, I should touch the top-right area.
Could you please give me a solution?

just rotate the screen with this command:

echo 2 | sudo tee /sys/class/graphics/fbcon/rotate_all

and all problems should dissapear

It doesn’t work when I use Debian with desktop.
I was using Display Setting and change the rotation to the left or right to rotate the screen.

I am also having problem. Could not manage it to work. May be today I will try from scratch.
I don’t have the /sys/class/drm/card0-DSI-1 folder in the debian system

Ok it worked on ubuntu
I needed to fix apt repo for radxa as explained here

So, the screen lights up like it has power, but has no signal. When I cat modes in /sys/class/drm/card0-DSI-1, I get 800x1280. Currently running kernel 5.10.110-34 and extlinux.conf shows /dtbs/5.10.110-34-rockchip-gca15bbe36e6c/rockchip/overlay/rock-5b-radxa-display-10hd.dtbo. Not sure what to try next.

how to do this in armbian?

how to do this in android?

The next Android release will support the Radxa Display 10.


At last yesterday I managed it to work on armbian also

Hi @tsadigov,

that’s a great news ! I find that display very nice.

Would you be kind enough to share your knowledge on how to achieve this under Armbian.

Sure @le51. May be there is simpler way of doing that, if yes I would like to know.
I am also thinking about releasing prebuilt image with these changes. Here is what I did and the reasoning behind it.

  1. kernel should have needed drivers/modules to run the hardware.
    I am building armbian image using their builder. There I enable few modules.
    Why these modules? These where enabled in debian/ubuntu from Radxa where display is working. I have additional modules added but these two I added for monitor. After armbian builds image. If the default modules are enough please somebody fix my mistake.

  2. you need to tell the system that it has this hardware (screen/ may be camera) attached.
    For attachable detachable hardware like screen, camera ,… dtoverlay (device tree overlay) is used.

  • For radxa debian you add into /boot/config.txt the line dtoverlay=rock-5b-radxa-display-10hd as you can check from https://wiki.radxa.com/Rock5/accessories/radxa-display-10hd
  • For armbian you add into /boot/armbianEnv.txt the line overlays=radxa-display-10hd. Note in the current distro another value is wrong and you need to change it, that shoul be overlay_prefix=rock-5b , by default the value was different and it was wrong. The reasoning here is like this. System joins values of these fields to generate a file name.
    overlay_prefix+overlays => "rock-5b" + "radxa-display-10hd" => "rock-5b-radxa-display-10hd"
    and tries to find that file inside directory /boot/dtb-5.10 bla bla/rockchip/overlay/ . You can navigate there and check yourself. After restart it should ideally work. Be careful it may not boot if something is wrong. In that case put your sd card into another computer, open the armbianEnv.txt and remove the overlays= line. I used this page as source https://docs.armbian.com/User-Guide_Allwinner_overlays/

If you want just the image that works for me I can upload it. Then you download and write it to sdcard.


Did you manage to use that display? Is its connector compatible?

You like a knowledgable fellow. Can you please help me out. Boot Screen Orientation - ROCK 5 Series - Radxa Forum

Thank you very much @tsadigov
I will give it a try next week, because I’m on vacation right now.


Enjoy vacation. If you try it please let me know your results. If you need the image I have built I can upload. If you can map these steps to an easier way of achieveing the same thing, I would be happy to learn from you.

@jack I see the developments in repo
Will they be released on soon? Or should I try building to try it?

I did rebuild the image and I have visuals for Android on the 10 inch screen, currently the orientation is wrong for me, trying to find the right knob


Everything worked at last. Here is a video.
MIPI 10" screen with Android - ROCK 5 Series - Radxa Forum

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