MIPI 10" screen with Android

Is there a way of doing this on Android?
Rock5/accessories/radxa-display-10hd - Radxa Wiki

I explain how I did this for armbian here

In order to have the Android kernel that includes required modules I used suggestion from @thc013

when doing both I get working display, but orientation is wrong

gonna build tablet anyway :slight_smile:
i will include a img with lcd’s, i default not add them

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The screen visual orientation is fixed now but touch input orientation still wrong,

things to try
adb shell settings put system user_rotation 0/1/2/3

  •                ActivityInfo.SCREEN_ORIENTATION_NOSENSOR);

there are multiple dtsi files for your screen

your issue is more dts settings then android settings i think

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Thanks, this message tells similar story. Will try to adjust there.

Surfaceflinger rotates only the graphics. The touchscreen we have to
take care of ourselves.


Similar topic here

Progress so far
The dts specify 2 interesting entries

  • GT9XX
  • focaltech

I started with first one
this source https://android.googlesource.com/kernel/msm/+/android-7.1.0_r0.2/Documentation/devicetree/bindings/input/touchscreen/gt9xx/gt9xx.txtsuggests adding change-x2y

this source https://github.com/goodix/gt9xx_driver_android/blob/master/dtsi/gt9xx_dts.txt suggests adding swap-x2y

none of which worked, then I tried to find the code that uses these settings.
made clear that the mentioned settings do not work with the included driver version. But tp-size parameter value is mapped to swap-x2y, x-reverse, y-reverse values.

Unfortunately efforts on gt9xx did not bring any result.

cat /sys/input*/device/driver/*uevent

shows OF_FULLNAME=/i2c@fec80000/focaltech@38

So I continued with the second option, focaltech. Checking the source code I did not find any parameter to set in the dts. So I directly modified source.

Aaaand it worked


@tsadigov Can you share how you were able to change orientation and get touch to work? I have 8" panel, but I think I have similar issues.


I would love to get this image from you. I’m trying to get this working on the 8in display but I’m very new to android. I would love to have this working as a tablet.

Hi, can someone share the android image that works with MIPI 10’’ screen?

Kind Regards;

Sorry guys I can not share it. The machine I was experimenting on is formatted. And my 10 inch screen ribbon is broken. And these days I am looking more into drones. If somebody agrees to help me with autonomous drones to save me some time I will be able to dig up this thing from my archives. :slight_smile:

Also possible that using more up to date drivers solves the issue.

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