Install Manjaro into eMMC

yes, same here. @spikerguy
No matter how i erased it didn’t work for me too.
Then i end up flashing Ubuntu Focal to eMMC … checked if its working and all was good.
Then i flashed Manjaro to SD card.
It booted right up. :partying_face:

Then i erased eMMC again to give a try and see if it needed to have any OS in the Emmcs to be able to boot from sdcard.
But it wasnt the case.
I erased eMMC and Manjaro or any OS that i flashed to SD card was working.

But, I cant really say this is a solution because i still dont understand how it works, and i cant still install android… that doesnt work at all for me…

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I’m confused since he installed it to microsd. This should also boot from emmc correct? Got off work but have to run an errand then I’ll be back to test.

Yes true. Im still trying to boot from eMMC. and no success yet.
@kfb please let us know if you can boot Manjaro from eMMC . My attempts were unsuccesful.

I kind of feel that its not about Manjaro and its a problem with zero eMMC setup. It just doesn’t let me boot from eMMC when i flash images.

I can only run 2 images on zero eMMC. Those are Official Ubuntu + Debian images.
I cant even boot android anymore (even when i use official android image)

I am very confused too. and hopefully radxa team will help us out. @spikerguy mentioned that he is gonna get in touch with them too.

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I will try and let you know gnlkrmz =)

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I think I know the reason. Ubuntu and debian images has boot files. When you erased emmc Its not clear boot files as a result we able to boot all images from uSD. I checked this with complete erase of emmc from inside of RZero. I cleaned with fdisk tool in debian. Then I cant boot any images. I flashed android-bootloader.bin to eMMC then boot ability come back RZero. If I missed anythink or have mistake sorry.

Are you still struggling with this?

After much struggling and about a week of trial. Was finally able to erase eMMC and install Manjaro to eMMC using Manjaro ARM Flasher. Found the instructions on Pinebook Manjaro Forum.

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yes we are still struggling, can you share the link if its possible ?

Maybe i was missing a step, but i did try this and didnt work for me.

    • Ubuntu Debian and Latest Manjaro has boot files
      a) If i erase eMMC its not clear boot so it only boots from SD
  1. What do you mean with complete erase ? Im using “radxa-zero-erase-emmc” to wipe and then " rz-udisk-loader" to use it in windows and format it (maybe this is where the difference is happening , because looks like you are using debian ?)
  2. After this process if i flash “android-bootloader” you are saying boot ability comes back.
  3. then do you flash Manjaro or Debian / Ubuntu image to eMMC and it works ?

Don’t do this. This is to install Android bootloader again but you don’t need it right as you want to flash manjaro on emmc.

When you see your emmc as usb disk then use balena etcher to flash the manjaro image directly on emmc.

yes, that’s what im thinking too…bootloader didnt make sense.
Manjaro didn’t have boot ability.
But now with latest image, i can boot so it should work (as you mentioned)
I didnt have chance to try yet, but that’s what im gonna give a try.
@kfb should have some tests too. he was trying exactly samething.

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Installing Manjaro from SD to eMMC in Pinebook - ARM / Technical Assistance - Manjaro Linux Forum

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I might test in a few mins its just been a busy weekend with home life.
edit: I’m currently flashing manjaro minimal i will report after test.

@gnlkrmz I flashed manjaro minimal to emmc and it booted just fine

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No problem. Thank you.
By the way; Can you let me know what steps you took ?
Was it straightforward ? considering new Manjaro bootable image ?

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i have the old files so, i pushed the button at bottom plugged in ran the file called rz_usb_boot_helper and loaded factory-loader.img to erase, did not use the one named erase. i hit run. then hit erase. then loaded rz-udisk-loader.bin and then I hit run. windows asks me to format but cancel dont format. then use balena ecther to write the image after u extract it… safely eject and you’re ready. edit: after ur done writing it will ask to format again but cancel do not format with windows. so yeah was pretty easy… i think erase one will work too… pretty straight forward.


thanks for the hard work spikerguy and team :smiley:

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Don’t forget to switch to stable branch as dev images are on unstable branch.

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ok spikerguy =)