iGPU Driver Status and dGPU support?

So the G720 is a 5th gen Valhall and currently only up to the 3rd gen Valhall is supported in linux via Mesa3D. The custom kernel will likely include the closed source firmware and module for it, but im not sure if the current work in mesa 3d for the G610 would work for it.

I know Windows driver is very unlikely at least for a few years, but it will be nice to have it in Linux at least.

As for dGPU, is the PCIE implementation compilant enoght to run a gpu? This has been a constant issue in ARM computers.


I’m curious about the gpu compatibility. I hope the UEFI BIOS supports ‘Above 4G Decoding’ and re-bar. Even the integrated gpu does not get great support we can still use Nvidia/AMD/Intel dgpu since their arm drivers work pretty well

Orion O6 has been posted running the AMD Radeon RX 6400 in UEFI and Linux (mainline) since the Mali GPU isn’t upstreamed yet.

#Radxa Orion O6にはHDMI, DP, eDP, Type-C DPのコネクタがあるのですが、私の環境ではどれも使えませんでした。そこで手持ちのRadeon RX 6400を接続した所、HDMIディスプレイに画面を表示でき、USBキーボード・マウスで操作する事ができました。

#Radxa Orion O6 has HDMI, DP, eDP and Type-C DP ports, but I couldn’t use any of them in my environment. So I connected my Radeon RX 6400 and was able to view the screen on the HDMI display and control it with a USB keyboard and mouse.

— Naoki@Radxa (@RadxaNaoki) January 14, 2025

There’s also some recordings and screenshots (I assume HDMI capture) from UEFI and booted into common distro’s on Naoki’s Twitter Account

And if you don’t have a Twitter account (like me) you can’t see anything of this stuff.

Radxa’s ‘communication strategy’ was already strange prefering Discord over their own forum but this is another bummer. :frowning:

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9EBF8835-810B-4D26-A5EE-13473C82C225_4_5005_c BC99D454-6B89-48C6-ABF7-8C43E76674D9_4_5005_c
There isn’t much to see yet so you’re not missing out really.

There isn’t much to see yet so you’re not missing out really.

I would disagree. @RadxaNaoki shown booting several Linux distros and FreeBSD.

So yeah, communication–

I have my own personal X account where I post stuff from time to time, what’s wrong with that?
If you want to communicate with me on this forum, then post that way.

As you say, I just did something very simple, so I don’t think it’s that important.
Still, for those who are interested, I’ll post here the image I posted on X (a capture of the HDMI output of the Radeon RX 6400).



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Fedora-Server-dvd-aarch64-41-1.4.iso (Added “module_blacklist=amdgpu” to the kernel parameters)



May I ask which GPU? Internal or external ?AMD Radeon ?

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If i may ask, the reason of the IGP not working on stock isos is because the display controller is not upstreamed or the Mali G720 need its own kernel driver (AND mesa support i guess)? or it can use the work that was done in mainline for the G610?

Hopefully but there is nothing in mainline yet to even point to the gpu id afaik. If collabora / mesa would get an Orion it would probably not take much for them to adapt G720 into Panthor

You (Radxa company) are in process of releasing interesting hardware. Which generated interest outside of SBC (Seriously Bad Computer) community. SVE, SVE2 etc are not something you can find in random Arm system.

And there is nearly no info how fast it is, does it boot Linux or BSD etc.

You have a board and show how you play with running Debian, Fedora, Gentoo, Ubuntu, FreeBSD. Many people here would love to see such info in some thread on forum. With some hw information (lspci -vvn, lspci -tv, dmesg, lsusb, /proc/cpuinfo etc).

Your posts shown that Mali does not have driver at all so you had to use Radeon RX6400 graphics card instead. And you did not wrote anything about having graphical artifacts like Ampere Altra users have.

So yes, we want more information. We are potential customers who got one PDF of marketing data and some PR announcement.

My understanding is that this is only true for ‘generic aarch64 OS images’ (booting them flawlessly being the final goal) but with the CIX BSP kernels (at least 6.1) based on list of packages over there I would assume most of the SoC’s IP blocks fully working.

And yeah, I agree: getting as much information about this new and exciting hardware here (in a way that is accessible by anyone w/o registration and also gets indexed by search engines) is the preferred method :slight_smile:


Ah, those lovely binaries-only packages without license information…

I refuse to even look at them. Had some “remove those files from repository” requests in past.

I think it’s strange to think that the first step is the goal. There is a concept of time in this world, and I can’t ignore it and reach the goal with the first step. Similarly, it’s strange to see one piece and think that’s the whole thing.
(By the way, I’m not a dedicated worker for Orion O6. I have other things to do.)

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