Audio Support Rock Pi S

@jack: you might want to stick to the pin setup provided on page 23 , MIC-Array Digital (roc-rk308-cc-v1_3.pdf) if somehow possible. This is because, there is already a driver implementation for that. Furthermore nobody wants to use analog mics if you have digital MEMS (MEMS have a lot better quality, higher SNR, allow longer wires, …). Therefore, I would recommend to get rid of analog mic support. Then you also have space to add the lineout R/L.

hope that helps you somehow.
keep up the good work!

@Dante4: “not needed” because they are connected to ground. Hence you need max. 19 Pinouts.

Best Regards


I have loopback devices only even after dist-upgrade. I am using official Debian Stretch image. Kernel reported 4.4.143-23-rockchip-g394d86b2b38b . What exactly needs be done for the board to recognize internal DAC?

Did you use the asound.conf I provided a few postings ago? I also would like to get an answer from @jack why there is only one side of the headphones working right now but you could at least read everything in this post before asking questions that were already answered.

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I think @Jubian has dual channel sound working with flying wire to a headphone jack. @Jubian please confirm the configuration you use.

I tried test it,dual channal sound output is normal,You can use oscilloscope to try the pin is there have output,maybe your pi is broken.

UPDATE OK, after n attempts this is what finally worked for me, to get the soundcard recognized. However, only left channel works.

sudo su
route add default gw <your.gateway.ip.address> eth0
echo "deb stretch main" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/apt-radxa-com.list
wget -O - | sudo apt-key add -
apt-get update
apt-get upgrade
apt-get install -y rockchip-overlay rockchip-fstab
apt-get install -y linux-4.4-rockpis-latest rockpis-dtbo
apt-get autoremove
chmod a+r /etc/group 

For some reason, apt-get dist-upgrade and apt full-upgrade left me with loopback devices only.

Then I modified /etc/asound.conf as posted by @xfjx earlier, and reboot.

You could at least drop the entitled act and stop assuming somebody asking a question in a thread didn’t read said thread and didn’t follow steps described in the thread before posting a question. With such attitude, why don’t you re-read the topic and wiki instead of pestering @jack with your questions? Also, if I was so low opinion of you as you are of others, I would assume you didn’t check which side of the audio header has GND and wired it wrong, which would explain why you have no sound on second channel.

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Thanks for your reply,
I direct replacement the kernel and device tree,it can works on dual channal,maybe it has bug at apt way, we will test and fix it.

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At least I know how to create a asound.conf from scratch and was kind enough to share it.

Oi, that’s so great, and totally justifies your disrespectful behaviour… no, it doesn’t.

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I did the update via apt… still only right channel is working.

also tried my second rock pi s - same issue. I will now start to build the kernel on my own.

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I really must have hit a nerve. Actually you are the person being disrespectful but hey, I understand you just can’t do any better. Now just calm down or go troll somewhere else…

Back to topic: would this be the correct place to get the kernel source?

Yes, that’s the right branch.

We have just tested audio on Rock Pi S. It works.

Update the kernel to version 4.4.143-27-rockchip, and using mplayer to play songs. Both sides of headphone have voice.

Hardware connection is shown below.

Three lines:

green — LINEOUT_L
black — GND


Thanks for the picture! As there was a problem with one of the channels when I first tried to connect the headphone I forgot to recheck if I was still using the right pins. There was no explanation of the numbers anywhere. So DIYDealz was right at the end and I did connect the wires wrong :crazy_face: :rofl:

I can confirm that both channels are working fine now! Thank you very much.

Congrats Stephen, to make it work! Would be cool to add a detailed wiring pic to the FAQ

@Radxa Team: Any thoughts about the multi-MIC setup?

Best regards


I am trying to get I2S output working, but need some help with the right device tree overlay.
For now, I enable i2s_8ch_xx for example, but not getting to far with this overlay:

// For ROCK Pi S

/ {
  model = "Radxa ROCK Pi S";
	compatible = "radxa,rockpis-rk3308", "rockchip,rk3308";

  fragment@0 {
    target = <&i2s_8ch_0>;
    __overlay__ {
      status = "okay";

Any pointers?
PS: I know there is no codec loaded, will tackle that at stage 2. :slight_smile:

This is the first of two messages in this thread - this one concerns the L and R Line Out. The second one will concern the Analog Microphone inputs.

My application for the Rock Pi S is audio for music. There is no other compact board with built-in multichannel audio inputs, and it is smaller than all the other boards anyway.

The L and R signals are on pins 26 and 25, the end ones furthest from the LEDs. A scope shows them to have the desired voltages, but no audio signals yet.

I followed the wiki instructions, using the image file rockpis_debian_buster_minimal_arm64_191219_0406-gpt.img.gz :

rockchip-fstab           0.1
rockchip-overlay         2.2
linux-4.4-rockpis-latest 4.4.143-36-rockchip
rockpis-dtbo             4.4

and the xfce stuff. The basic installation already had two ALSA items:

libasound2:arm64   1.1.8-1  arm64   shared library for ALSA applications
libasound2-data    1.1.8-1    all   Configuration files and profiles for ALSA drivers

I installed the package jackd, which brought in jackd2 (there are at least two different implemenations of Jack, and this is the second one) and the GUI control program for it: qjackctl. There was still no aplay program, so I installed the alsa-utils package too.

The command aplay xyz.wav caused it to report playing the file via pulseaudio, but there were no output signals.

qjackctl > Connect shows no input or output ports.

aplay -l finds no soundcards.

aplay -L shows:

    Discard all samples (playback) or generate zero samples (capture)
    JACK Audio Connection Kit
    PulseAudio Sound Server
    Playback/recording through the PulseAudio sound server

I also added the /etc/asound.conf file as described above:

pcm.!default {
        type hw
        card 1

ctl.!default {
        type hw
        card 1

I have no solid understanding of any of this stuff - I am just hoping to get aplay to actually drive the line out pins. Looking around in the machine, using the F3 view function of Midnight Commander to see the contents of some of these items in /proc/asound/ :

Loopback is a symlink to card0/. rockchiprk3308a is a symlink to card1/.


 0 [Loopback       ]: Loopback - Loopback
                      Loopback 1
 1 [rockchiprk3308a]: rockchip_rk3308 - rockchip,rk3308-acodec


  0: [ 0]   : control
 16: [ 0- 0]: digital audio playback
 17: [ 0- 1]: digital audio playback
 24: [ 0- 0]: digital audio capture
 25: [ 0- 1]: digital audio capture
 32: [ 1]   : control
 33:        : timer
 48: [ 1- 0]: digital audio playback
 56: [ 1- 0]: digital audio capture


00-00: Loopback PCM : Loopback PCM : playback 8 : capture 8
00-01: Loopback PCM : Loopback PCM : playback 8 : capture 8
01-00: dailink-multicodecs rk3308-hifi-0 :  : playback 1 : capture 1


G0: system timer : 4000.000us (10000000 ticks)
G3: HR timer : 0.001us (1000000000 ticks)
P0-0-0: PCM playback 0-0-0 : SLAVE
P0-0-1: PCM capture 0-0-1 : SLAVE
P0-0-2: PCM playback 0-0-2 : SLAVE
P0-0-3: PCM capture 0-0-3 : SLAVE
P0-0-4: PCM playback 0-0-4 : SLAVE
P0-0-5: PCM capture 0-0-5 : SLAVE
P0-0-6: PCM playback 0-0-6 : SLAVE
P0-0-7: PCM capture 0-0-7 : SLAVE
P0-0-8: PCM playback 0-0-8 : SLAVE
P0-0-9: PCM capture 0-0-9 : SLAVE
P0-0-10: PCM playback 0-0-10 : SLAVE
P0-0-11: PCM capture 0-0-11 : SLAVE
P0-0-12: PCM playback 0-0-12 : SLAVE
P0-0-13: PCM capture 0-0-13 : SLAVE
P0-0-14: PCM playback 0-0-14 : SLAVE
P0-0-15: PCM capture 0-0-15 : SLAVE
P0-1-0: PCM playback 0-1-0 : SLAVE
P0-1-1: PCM capture 0-1-1 : SLAVE
P0-1-2: PCM playback 0-1-2 : SLAVE
P0-1-3: PCM capture 0-1-3 : SLAVE
P0-1-4: PCM playback 0-1-4 : SLAVE
P0-1-5: PCM capture 0-1-5 : SLAVE
P0-1-6: PCM playback 0-1-6 : SLAVE
P0-1-7: PCM capture 0-1-7 : SLAVE
P0-1-8: PCM playback 0-1-8 : SLAVE
P0-1-9: PCM capture 0-1-9 : SLAVE
P0-1-10: PCM playback 0-1-10 : SLAVE
P0-1-11: PCM capture 0-1-11 : SLAVE
P0-1-12: PCM playback 0-1-12 : SLAVE
P0-1-13: PCM capture 0-1-13 : SLAVE
P0-1-14: PCM playback 0-1-14 : SLAVE
P0-1-15: PCM capture 0-1-15 : SLAVE
P1-0-0: PCM playback 1-0-0 : SLAVE
P1-0-1: PCM capture 1-0-1 : SLAVE


Advanced Linux Sound Architecture Driver Version k4.4.143-36-rockchip-g55b1ec35291f.




card: 1
device: 0
subdevice: 0
stream: PLAYBACK
id: dailink-multicodecs rk3308-hifi-0
subname: subdevice #0
class: 0
subclass: 0
subdevices_count: 1
subdevices_avail: 1

I won’t list the full names or contents of the /proc/asound/card1/pcm0p/sub0/ and /proc/asound/card1/pcm0p/sub0/ items, but their hw_params, status and sw_params items are all “closed”.

In /dev/snd/ there are 9 items:

controlC0   symlinked from /dev/snd/by-path/platform-snd_aloop.0
controlC1   symlinked from /dev/snd/by-path/platform-acodec-sound

I can dig up more details if someone points me where to look.

Does anyone have suggestions about how I can get line out working, and ideally have it appear to jack?

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This message concerns getting the analogue audio (microphone) inputs working.

The RK3308 TRM (Rev 1.1 Aug 2018, Part 1 page 144 onwards describes the audio codec. There is a huge amount of information here and I have only glanced at it. The datasheet (Rev 1.0 Feb 2018 at the same page) mentions on pages 12 & 13 that the DAC and ADCs are 16 or 24 bit, with sample rates between 8kHz and 192kHz. It remains to be seen what the signal to noise ratio of the ADCs is, considering potential problems with crosstalk on the PCB and imperfect isolation from the electrically noisy CPU parts of the RK3308 chip. Page 50 of the datasheet specifies 92 dB signal to noise ratio for the ADCs and 93 dB for the line and headphone outputs - which is perfectly good.

In addition to two inputs for each of the 8 microphone channels, there are also single inputs for CODEC_LINE1 and CODEC_LINE2 (datasheet) which are separate from the microphone inputs. However, I can’t find any other references to these, including in the diagram in part 1 of the TRM, page 145.

In the Rock Pi S V1.2 schematic, page 6, the balls for mic inputs 3 and 4 go nowhere. Page 19 shows the mic input signals for channels 1, 2, 5, 6, 7 and 8 going to connector J9102. On page 6 the signals for channels 1 and 2 are enclosed in a dash-line box labelled “Loopback”. However, I think this is spurious, since they seem only to be driven by J9102. So we have 6 dual input microphone CODEC inputs which drive high quality audio ADCs. This is an extraordinary resource to find on an ARM CPU.

The Firefly ROC-3308-CC schematics are at (Don’t use the Official option, since it lacks the proper file - the Google and MediaFire options have roc-rk3308-cc-v1_3.pdf). Page 16 show that the this board does nothing with the CODEC microphone inputs 3 through 7. The CODEC inputs for mics 1 and 2 are used (page 22) for monitoring the outputs of the L and R speaker amplifiers which are driven from Line Out. CODEC mic channel 7 is for a single microphone, also shown on page 22. The 32 pin connector for the mic array is all digital signals. So the Firefly board is no good at all for my application.

I had a look at the Firefly material (wiki) which is based on buildroot, not easy to use (for me) Debian boot images. On their forum there is some discussion of how to build kernels for the Firefly board to use these inputs. However, this is not for Debian . . . and it is in Chinese, so I would have to read it via Google Translate like this.

MicroZone’s MDK3308 Coreboard only seem to make the inputs for mic channels 1 to 6 available. This has only 256kB RAM, is bigger than the Rock Pi S and lacks the MicroSD card socket.

How can we use the 6 audio CODEC inputs of the Rock Pi S?

It was asked as to what users wanted to use with respect to audio inputs and outputs. I bought 2x Rock PI S because it has stereo analog audio out and at least one analog audio input.
EDIT: I’ve yet to try to get them working as I’m doing a few other things with the HW first.

Hi everybody,
I don’t know if this post could help someone out.
Here is how you can set up the I2S and PDM lines of the board so that you can use MEMs digital microphones, either by using I2S or PDM interface.

First of all, I installed on the SD card Radxa official ROM Ubuntu bionic (released on 19 Dec 2019).
Then I did updates and installed required packages for audio and set up

For updates
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get upgrade

For audio recording (I use SoX Ubuntu package)
sudo apt-get install libasound2 alsa-utils alsa-oss
sudo apt-get install sox -y

Then, in order to set up I2S/PDM pins on the board, you need to modify the device tree and recompile it. So you need to install the device tree compiler.

sudo apt-get install device-tree-compiler

Then go to /boot/dtbs/your_kernel_version/rockchip and decompile the device tree being used by the bootloader, that is rockpi-s-linux.dtb. To do so, you have to run

dtc -I dtb -O dts -f rockpi-s-linux.dtb -o rockpi-s-linux.dts

Once you have the dts file, open it and go to acodec-sound part

acodec-sound {
	compatible = "rockchip,multicodecs-card";
	rockchip,card-name = "rockchip,rk3308-acodec";
	rockchip,mclk-fs = <0x100>;
	rockchip,cpu = <0xc3>;
	rockchip,codec = <0x8b>;
	phandle = <0x13d>;

You will have to change the cpu field. If you want to use up to 8 I2S microphones, you will have to change the value to <0xbe>, which is the phandle of the I2S0 controller (which is exposed on the pinouts layout). Remember you also need to enable the I2S0 interface, so go to i2s@ff300000 and change the status to “okay”.

i2s@ff300000 {
	compatible = "rockchip,rk3308-i2s-tdm";
	reg = <0x0 0xff300000 0x0 0x1000>;
	interrupts = <0x0 0x30 0x4>;
	clocks = <0x2 0x4c 0x2 0x4e 0x2 0xa4 0x2 0x6e 0x2 0x6f 0x2 0x3 0x2 0x4>;
	clock-names = "mclk_tx", "mclk_rx", "hclk", "mclk_tx_src", "mclk_rx_src", "mclk_root0", "mclk_root1";
	dmas = <0x25 0x0 0x25 0x1>;
	dma-names = "tx", "rx";
	resets = <0x2 0x89 0x2 0x8a>;
	reset-names = "tx-m", "rx-m";
	rockchip,cru = <0x2>;
	rockchip,grf = <0x4b>;
	pinctrl-names = "default";
	pinctrl-0 = <0x4e 0x4f 0x50 0x51 0x52 0x53 0x54 0x55 0x56 0x57 0x58 0x59 0x5a>;
	status = "okay";
	phandle = <0xbe>;

Once you have done all the changes, re-compile the dts file to get the binary format (dtb).

sudo dtc -I dts -O dtb -f rockpi-s-linux.dts -o rockpi-s-linux.dtb

Then reboot and enjoy!

In case you want to use PDM interface, just change the cpu field in the acodec-sound to <0xc3>, which is the phandle of the PDM controller. Then remember to enable the interface by changing its status to “okay”.

pdm@ff380000 {
	compatible = "rockchip,rk3308-pdm", "rockchip,pdm";
	reg = <0x0 0xff380000 0x0 0x1000>;
	clocks = <0x2 0x4b 0x2 0xa1>;
	clock-names = "pdm_clk", "pdm_hclk";
	dmas = <0x25 0xc>;
	dma-names = "rx";
	resets = <0x2 0x83>;
	reset-names = "pdm-m";
	pinctrl-names = "default";
	pinctrl-0 = <0x5f 0x60 0x61 0x62 0x63>;
	status = "okay";
	phandle = <0xc3>;