Typec connected to monitor no sound

Is it because typec does not support output sound, or other settings are required?

try through the headphone jack on the rock 5b and please provide more infos

headphone and HDMI has sound,try switch output device in pulseaudio setting,only hdmi0, hdmi1 and es8316 sound card。
LG 34UC99

cool then you can close this issue

There is no dp sound configured in the device tree, I don’t know if that is supported.

i think dp supports no sound

I have a nintendo switch, when connecting to a typec monitor, there is sound from the monitor.

oh ok i meant dp thats not embeded in usb-c

aplay -D hw:2,0 test.wav have sound,but desktop pulseaudio control setting no sound

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sudo vim /etc/pulse/default.pa

load-module module-udev-detect tsched=0

append tsched=0

sudo gpasswd -a rock pulse

I had the same issue and ended up buying an JBL speaker… and then audio wouldnt pass through this was my solution which I believe it also fixes for the monitor:

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:pipewire-debian/pipewire-upstream
sudo apt install pipewire pipewire-audio-client-libraries

Optional for streamers
sudo apt install gstreamer1.0-pipewire libpipewire-0.3-{0,dev,modules} libspa-0.2-{bluetooth,dev,jack,modules} pipewire{,-{audio-client-libraries,pulse,media-session,bin,locales,tests}}

systemctl --user daemon-reload
systemctl --user --now disable pulseaudio.service pulseaudio.socket
systemctl --user --now enable pipewire pipewire-pulse
pactl info