Trouble to install debian on emmc on a rockpi4b+


i’m sorry i have to expalain my trouble like a real french guy sorry

why is it hard to make a fucking tuto that is simple to follow
first they forgot, on the top of the page, to tell you to download the loader
so they tell you to do it in a small note under a picture
second when you download the rkdeveloptool they don’t tell you wich version you have to take
and on their website if you look wright you can find 3 fucking version of the same sofware
and i can tell you one thing. it is not the two in the download section that work on the rockpi4 it is the one that is given in the tuto
you can tell you that it is fair and you just have to clik on it and it’s good but no you have to acces by being the most omniscient guy on the web site and know that it is write in hyper text and you have to clik on the fucking third link
and you know what same if understand that the software is not the right one and you whant to look the picture to check and find the good version of the software to download it…it is not the right one
i have lost 2 day with this last trouble

so let’s be constructive NOW, i have, i hope, the right software with the lastest loader and the only image of debian 11 they give and it still don’t work so …

after all this trouble i need help
can someone help me to find why it’s don’t work
i arrive to get the Maskrom com
the software download the image and tell me that all is good and the image is downlaod
BUT the rockpi don’t start on the emmc
i have made a sd card with the same debian image and it works fine
just to avoid the question, i removed each time the sd card to make the test with the emmc, i have only put the sdcard to make one test.
and i have try to put the Short-circuit SPI Nor Flash cable on the rock pi
i have install debian with and without the cable
and i have try to lunch the rockpi with and without in the two previous case

and please give us the number of the pin and with wich card we have to put it because i’m still not the best omniscient guy on the web and i don’t know what you don’t tell me. on the rockpi4 b + page you don’t tell it…

so idon’t know why it’s don’t work and please try to give a card and the tuto to a guy that have never work with your product to see if your tuto is good or not

thank you all and sorry for my attitude but it is frustrating to hit on a wall for 2 day on something i can make on a rpi in 15min

I’m sorry to hear about this bad experience you’ve had, we haven’t maintained the rock 4 wiki for a long time,we will rewrite the guide on, can you tell me what’s the hardware version you have hold and the debian-image you have downloaded? Maybe I can help you boot it on eMMC.

hello thank you for your help
i use RKDevtool v2.81 with the ‘rk3399_loader_v1.27.126.bin’ loader and the image ‘rock-pi-4b-plus_debian_bullseye_cli_b21.img’
i have try this one to ‘rock-pi-4b-plus_debian_bullseye_kde_b19.img.xz’
on the rock pi it is write ROCK PI 4 PLUS v1.73 and on the box it is write rockpi 4 b+ b2e16

Have you successfully entered Maskrom mode?

Yes when I have found the right software it have detect the rockpi at the first time and I was able to download the image on the pi

which means that you have successfully flash the image to the device by the maskrom mode, but the image just can’t boot from eMMC?

It is what I think