Top Hat Fan not working

Take a look at

netstat | grep 8888

Hi setq

this is the result from netstat -an

$ sudo netstat -an | grep 8888
tcp6 0 0 :::8888 :::* LISTEN

Hi @orionzrh,
I had the same problem as you a few days ago, I found a temporary solution.

You just have to modify the file /etc/systemd/system/pigpiod.service.d/public.conf
And change the ExecStart to ExecStart=/usr/bin/pigpiod -l -n

This will force the use of ipv4, then restart !

I hope it will help you, for more information about this method, you can go to this git page : pigpio/issues/203

Bests Regards,

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Hi gus_dev

great !!! It works with that temporary solution.
I changed the start of the daemon and the fan was working how I expect as a fan is working :wink:

$ sudo netstat -a | grep 8888
tcp 0 0 localhost:8888* LISTEN
tcp 0 0 localhost:40696 localhost:8888 ESTABLISHED
tcp 0 0 localhost:40692 localhost:8888 ESTABLISHED
tcp 0 0 localhost:8888 localhost:40696 ESTABLISHED
tcp 0 0 localhost:8888 localhost:40692 ESTABLISHED

Thanks for this solution.

Best Regards,

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