[ROM][Android10][RockPI 4] Android Q Firmware Release

I added gaps, after that ROM add size 300 MB.

I have deleted gapps and rebuilt ROM. But issue is same - library size 0.

I think it is not the compilation problem, but your makefile problem. You can refer to vendor/rockchip/common.

Which makefile has a problem? Out folder has correct files! And audio.usb.default.so, camera.kr30board.so, hw_output.default.so and many other are not my library, but they have zero size too in device!
I think it is your issue with pack script. You source has issue and does not work. Please fix it.

I have flashed your ROM and check /vendor/lib/hw and /vendor/lib64/hw folders. You ROM contains libraries with ZERO size too! It is not my changes, it is your ROM. Please fix this issue!

Root directory is full and have not free space! It is too small - 0.96GB.

Only 4 files have a size.

You may need a USB to serial port.

how to add room partition size? I have khadas EDGE board with same android 10. It has 1.2GB for root directory and works perfect with my library and other changes.

This partition size is growing dynamically, as I said you need a USB to TTL to see what the real problem is.

RKDocs/android/Rockchip_Developer_Guide_Android10.0_V1.2.5_EN.pdf, This document will be helpful to you.

Yes, I have USB to TTL converter
I cannot find linux pins

This is log from your ROM on my board

https://wiki.radxa.com/Rockpi4/dev/serial-console TTL

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I shared my log https://cloud.mail.ru/public/5Nju/3vJc5bDQ4

I looked at it and there was no problem.

Do you know what is the issue with zero library size?

Please share to me ls -ln from your board via terminal, not from adb.

May be need to add some more roots for vendor/lib folder?

You can use this Windows Tool to increase the size of the partitions but not the actual image files, most will resize to the full free space but not sure, it can depend on the filesystems used.
Load the parameter.txt file from the RockPi4 rockdev folder save it and use the new file in the Image folder before you create a new update.img

What do you think about zero size of library? Khadas has not this issue…

You can add to
to give the actual sizes of partition image files and make them bigger
then just check the parameter.txt file if the new sizes can still fit in the partition sizes.


Maybe the system or vendor partitions are too small and running out of free space and making the files 0 size, not sure.