Hi mara,
I installed slarm64-current-aarch64-base-rock_pi_e-5.11.13-build-20210410.img on my Rock Pi E, and it boots and runs fine. Forgive me my ignorance, I am still a bit confused about the package management in Slackware, and Pat Volkerding says ‘just install everything’. I know this is not the case with slarm64, especially on a board that does not have a graphics port, like the Rock Pi E, and ment to be used headless (although one could run a VNC server on it). So I understand why, and even prefer that the X server and GUI parts were left out because it results in a lot smaller image. However, I don’t understand the choices of packages that were included, and some that were left out. In my particular case, I intend to use the Pi E for a server, and a router. For these, the essential packages necessary are iptables, samba, dhcp, and maybe openvpn. I started with my setup process, but I was not even able to mount a samba share. I installed the cifs package for that to work. To make samba work took a lot more package installs: libcap-ng, iptables, libpcap, lignutls, libgnutls, gnutls, talloc, tevent, icuuc, gnupg2, icu4, icu4c, libunwind, p11-kit, nettle, cyrus-sasl, jansson. And a few more, for other basic functionality: git, python-pip, nghttp2, brotli, python3, python-setuptool.
Could these packages be included in your next image? Or, is there some special consideration that made them to be left out?
The ARM platform is new to me, and I am just trying to find my way. I also have a Rock64 with Slackware on it. That one had fewer missing packages. I also have a Raspberry Pi 3B with Slackware on it, with the full install.
Thank you for your work!