QUAD SATA KIT for Raspberry PI Size Limitation?

I have a QUAD SATA KIT for Raspberry PI on pre-order and I’ve watched the video on the assembly process. It is not clear what the physical size limit is for 2.5" HDD with this kit. I would like to build my kit with four Seagate 4TB BarraCuda 5400 RPM 128MB Cache SATA 6.0Gb/s 2.5" 15mm Laptop Internal Hard Drive ST4000LM024. In the video four 7mm HDD are being used. Will 15mm HDD fit?


Four 15mm thickness HDD is not supported. The width of the RPI is 52mm. The max thickness per disk is 9.5mm. If you want to use 15mm HDD, you can only mount two.

Thanks for the quick response. I will use no larger than four 9.5mm HDD in my kit.

Thanks again.


I have a QUAD SATA KIT and I want use two hard disk of 4TB and 15mm.

How I must install it (which port) and configure it, please.

Thank’s in advance.

if you’re only using two Angel_Bonet, you could put in first and third slots or second and fourth depending on how the connect sits relative to the thickness.

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Thank you.

Maybe you know about any 2.5 inch hard disk more bigger than 2TB and with only 9.5mm height?

Thank’s again.

Best regards.

As far as I know, only SSD…

Uff… so expensive…


Angel, my initial testing shows this thing is so slow that i wouldn’t want to put a ton of storage on it anyway.

What sort of speeds are you getting? I find mine to be about as fast as the Buffalo TeraStation Pro NAS I also have. That means tens of megabytes per second for most kinds of files. It’s deceptive to look at the idea that you have this thing connected to a giga-bit network, and the hard drive inside can transfer at one hundred megabytes per second. There is a lot of overhead.

But is it possible to mount two 15mm (above 2Tb) like @bitkahuna suggest and other two 7.5mm (2tb max) at the other slots? Thank you, Pedro