openFyde (Chromium OS fork) for ROCK 5B


We have produced an openFyde release for the ROCK 5B device, if you are into Chromebooks, Chromium browsers or lightweight OS that offers a modern look and feel, you may want to check this out: openfyde[dot]io

The Github repo for ROCK 5B:

As the name “openFyde” suggests, it’s all open-sourced, all of our code is licensed under BSD-3 for your freedom and enjoyment.

What is openFyde?

In one line, it’s the open-source version of FydeOS

A longer description of openFyde: openFyde (always denotes as openFyde, with a first o in lowercase and F in capital letter) is an open-source initiative started by Fyde Innovations, the creator of FydeOS, with an aim to provide another approach to Chromium OS. With openFyde, you can have a more open and flexible Chromium OS. At Fyde Innovations we believe with more choices comes greater possibilities.

What can I do with openFyde?

Perhaps this video could provide some inspiration, but I do believe the potential is endless.


So, is the GPU driver normal?

Should make a great ChromiumOS as the RK3588 is very comparable to the that have a heavy bias for Chromebooks.

Crostini means it have Linux under the hood also.

Agreed, it’s very comparable to MTK Kompanio 1380, hopefully you will see a consumer-grade tablet device with RK3588 out on the market soon, so far I am very confident that once it does, it will offer a very similar experience but at a lower price point.

I will be making a few demo videos regarding Linux subsystem performance under RK3588 soon, stay tuned.

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Very interested in this, since it is ChromiumOS based and thusly Gentoo based. My hope is to be running a Gentoo system on the Rock5B once they ship.

Is there full GPU acceleration with this build?

emerge --sync && emerge -pvuDN world wont do the trick :wink:

and how to setup build ?

Did you get any further with openFyde?

What do u mean? its working no?

On the rk3588 as presume needs much driver work.

Hows FydeOS ? Do you have any videos about it running on Rock5B?

Im still waiting on my Rock5B… Only then I will be able to test it.

I think Alpha and the FydeOS team is busy with their new fyde tablet. Since the Fydetab Duo share almost the same chipset with ROCK 5B, the support won’t be bad.

Btw, they are going to launch their indiegogo campaign soon.

Please support them if you are interested.

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Depending on eventual price that looks really interesting as the RK3588s just hits that right performance spot.
I will be checking them out.

Whats the big advantage on between RK3855 and RK3588S?

rk3588s is supposed to be less cost and hoping maybe Radxa do a cut down minimum connectors Rock5a board prob with onboard eMMC/Wifi something similar to but even more minimal where the GPU / CPU is of great interest for maker retro/consoles/phablets…

I dont see exactly how thats an advantage but yeah… I opted for the 5B because of the M2 Slot. Which Opens us a lot of options.

Its not the rk3588s is cheaper but with same cpu/gpu that really is still entry desktop where some might not need a m.2 slot.
I haven’t seen a cheaper one as Radxa are extremely cost effective boards Khadas always seem to have a premium but actually that is a cheaper chip than the Rock5b rk3588

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I agree with you.

PS here is more like.

$119.00 for RK3588S processor, two 2.5GbE ports, one Gigabit Ethernet port, and two USB interfaces 8GB RAM, 32GB eMMC flash.

But it might even be possible with the RK3588s to provide a very minimal board with 4gb for even $80/90 but I was sort of expecting rk3588s prices to be sort of in the range of above with products like the above and its just Khadas who in general do very polished and premium product.

I dont want that.
I wanted more ram
Possibility to add a graphic card
Small sized board for ‘take-away’ (travel).

Thats why Ive ordered Rock5B has all those things and its small.

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