This is rather directed to Radxa.
Is it possible to have two types of boot ups. For example, if there is a USB dongle in USB port x, then boot from it, if not then boot from device x. With this option, being able to boot lets say Debian with a GUI from the USB dongle and from it, using the regular methods to write lets say Ubuntu server image that is put on the USB dongle to the NVME ssd. This way, the whole device doesn’t need to be disassembled just to be able to upgrade the OS on the NVME ssd.
Why i ask fro this feature? I have the metal case and i also put some cooling past on the CPU to better direct the heat towards the metal case. When lets say Ubuntu server 22.04 image is released, i have to dissamble the whole case, get the NVME etc to just write it to the NVME.
This off course also be it very handy not only for NVME, but also emmc and for microsdcard as well.
UPDATE: a dd to the nvme/emmc/sdcard is what i was imagining. As that does the job.
With this the next option will be available for the users that only have a USB storage device to boot from.
- Have your OS just put on a USB Dongle or SATA SSD (sata --> USB 3.0 cable/controller attached to the USB 3.0 port)
- Have your OS on emmc
- Have your OS on microSDCARD
- Have your OS on Nvme
We already have the hardware, so just some software changes and we will be able to use that hardware for different purposes as well :).