[Image] Rock Pi S v1.1 Slarm64 (aarch64 unofficial slackware)

First release for Rock Pi S v1.1 board prepared:

legacy kernel

  • image update to the current version of the rootfs 15 Jun 19
  • kernel version 4.4.143

Due to the fact that not all tty dongle love the speed of 1500000, u-boot and the kernel are built with support for 115200 speeds.

Hardware v11, v1.1

26-pin Header 1


# screen /dev/ttyUSB0 115200,cs8

howto install:

installation on a sdcard
    Unpack the IMAGE file and record by running the following on the SD card
( /dev/mmcblk0 = your sd card device ):

dd if=slarm64-current-*-base-rootfs-*-build-*.img of=/dev/mmcblk0 bs=1M
xzcat slarm64-current-*-base-rootfs-*-build-*.img.xz > /dev/mmcblk0

login: root
password: password

kernel: http://dl.fail.pp.ua/slackware/images/rock_pi_s/kernel
image: http://dl.fail.pp.ua/slackware/images/rock_pi_s
u-boot: http://dl.fail.pp.ua/slackware/images/rock_pi_s/boot-20190819.tar.xz

the image includes a bootloader, but it can be installed / updated separately

dd if=idbloader.img of=/dev/mmcblk0 seek=64
dd if=uboot.img of=/dev/mmcblk0 seek=16384
dd if=trust.img of=/dev/mmcblk0 seek=24576


This is really nice. Maybe we need to add it to the wiki :slight_smile:


  • kernel version 4.4.178
  • image slarm64-current-aarch64-base-rootfs-15Jun19-4.4.178-rock_pi_s-build-20190820.img.xz
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  • kernel version 4.4.189
  • image: slarm64-current-aarch64-base-rootfs-15Jun19-4.4.189-rock_pi_s-build-20190822.img.xz

overclocking 1296000

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rtl8xxx tuning through kernel configuration automatic change of mac address

do anyone know why the usename and password is not right? I use root and password

this can be the first time you use a script to create a swap by expanding a section and setting a password.
you can fix it manually by installing a memory card
mount /dev/mmcblk0p1 /media
and going to
chroot /media



If it is over SSH ? Slackware block root login over SSH.

try changing password in chroot
mount /dev/mmcblk0p1 /mnt
chroot /mnt
passwd root

Hello, I want to rebuild the kernel with some new device drivers turned on, how can I do that?

install package kernel-source-rk3399-4.4.210-noarch-1mara.txz .config is in /usr/srv/linux-4.4.210 go to the directory /usr/srv/linux-4.4.210
make menuconfig
make Image
make modules
make modules-install
cp Image and dtb

This is kernel source for rk3309. I think it is not for rk3308.

Can try here:


the source code is one, under the rock pi s with no package

Please make a brief tutorial on how to builld the slarm image for rockpis. I tried https://gitlab.com/sndwvs/slackware_arm_build_kit with no success.

when starting from root (sudo) everything happens automatically, the only thing is that this script is used in the installed (or in lxc) slackware x86_64 or slarm64 because the package manager is used

1, Installed slackware x86_64 in a virtual machine.
2, Cloned https://gitlab.com/sndwvs/slackware_arm_build_kit
3, cd into the directory, execute ./build.sh, select rockpis -->legacy kernel–> [download,compile]

After downloading a lot of stuff,
while building the uboot-tools,
the compiler complains about some x18 register not recognised

And the build log says "building for ARCH x86_64 ", this does not seem right/

Is there someting wrong with the scripts or I am using it in a wrong way?

thanks for the information, the procedure is correct, recently debugged the assembly in the x86 environment for pinebook it seems that some problems remained.

there should have been a menu with the choice of the architecture being built on x86_64

select rockpis -->legacy kernel–>select build architecture–>[download,compile]

fixed update repository
build legacy core