How to Enable NPU in Overlays for Radxa Zero 3W?

I am currently working on enabling the NPU for the Radxa Zero 3W board. In the documentation, it states:

“For RK3566/3568 chip users, NPU must be enabled in rsetup overlays before use. Please refer to rsetup for details.”

However, I am unable to find any specific mentions or instructions related to enabling the NPU in the overlays section. Could you provide guidance on how to enable the NPU for Radxa Zero 3W, or update the documentation to include the relevant information?

Board Information:

  • Board: Radxa Zero 3W
  • Chipset: RK3566

Thank you for your help!

hi, @Darvin

in Zero3w, you need to use rsetup to enable NPU

sudo rsetup

chose Overlays, use space to select NPU

after reboot, the NPU should be enabled

for more information, please refere here


I can’t find any mentions NPU in overlays.
Available overlays:

You should try to install this image: .

I used Raspberry Pi Imager to burn image on my SD Card, because there were issues with balenaEtcher (e.g. bluescreen of death after couple of tries to burn the image).

It has working RKNPU and WiFi drivers.

I have olready installed image But I don’t have an NPU overlay here. Maybe I need to upgrade? Or download something from ?

Try to upgrade with sudo rsetup -> System -> System Update. I don’t remember exactly, but I upgraded with rsetup my board to enable NPU, but I didn’t download the overlays from .

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The problem is that after updating the system via rsetup, the camera does not work correctly. As here Artifacts on Zero 3w Camera (RP v 2 or 8M 219) , but since you have indicated here how to solve the problem. I will try it now

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hi, @Darvin

sudo apt update
sudo apt full-upgrade


Please find this tutorial :

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