Connect Arducam HQ Camera to ROCK5B

That sounds great anything will help at this point. I can try to make an adapter I’ll get a R5B and an Arducam 477P to see about the voltage requirements are an issue at least.

Hopefully we can spark interest and get this working there are more than a few applications out there for this.

@Monstrofil amazing work! I’ve got radxa rock5b board and want to try dig deeper into camera tunning, at least at basic level to get more natural image, could you possibly share onr more time archive with tools like RK isp tuner? I’ve got hard time looking for proper version of this tool and documentation for the board. Thanks!

So … I was able to port the imx708 stuff to the cm5, which arrived yesterday, I do have tuning working and it runs in a cm4 carrier.
Sadly I can’t boot when I connect hdmi, don’t really know why, but …

We do have a picture

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That is amazing I wonder how @eshelton managed with his adapter for the Orange PI. Thank you for taking the time to do this.

Hello everyone, I am trying to make IMX586 work. I have 2 custom cameras compatible with my board.

I am running Buildroot and I have a driver and IQ file

Colors look good. But there is no auto-exposure.

I used rkaiq-camera-engine 1.3.2e from Firefly repo

Any clue? I will post a log tomorrow, I did see some errors regarding “xcamvideobuffer aec stats is null” or something like that, I will check again at the office when I have some time

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Any updates to the adapter? If I can get a working adapter, I can start testing.

I got an Arducam 16MP AF (this one) and I am interested to get an IMX586 if any available.

If you are sure that rkaiq_3A_server is running, the problem might be somewhere in iqfile. I had the same issue when the exposure stuck at some low point and solved that by taking one of the already existing iq files and recalibrating it instead of building my own from scratch.

You can also try to configure these values:

But I spent half a day trying to fugure out what they mean and just gave up because it works anyway =)

Don’t worry I fixed it, I explained how in another thread already :slight_smile: I just updated camera engine to 5.1 I think, and then I used the IQ file from a similar camera

hello, very interesting conversation!
Thanks to this and the driver kindly provided by @Monstrofil, I have been able to make the pi hq camera work on the radxa zero 3w.
Still some problems to fix, but it’s nice to get some pictures out of it!
@Raphael, you mentioned you would merge the driver for the imx708 at some point. Do you have any estimate on when that would be? I would like to use that sensor as well at some point.
In any case, thanks everyone for the help!

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Is it just pictures that work or is 4k video working as well? I’m interested in building a microscope for usage in electronics by putting a zoom lens in front of the camera. @Monstrofil were you able to get 4k video working?

Thank you!

I just received the sensor and tested without the iqfile, the iqfile does not work for my version. The cable i am using is too lengthy, if i stretch it i start receiving packet errors or it is just the core voltages are so high.
I tested on Zero 3W for now based on @fabrii4 comment. I will try to test it on Rock 5C and see what i get.

yeah, Rock 5C:


without iqfile:

12 MP (10 fps)

grabbed with: (

fswebcam --displayfps 1 -S 90 -d /dev/video11 -r 4064x3040 --jpeg 95 -p NV12 - > 4064x3040_1.jpg (3.4 MB)


The visible tiles issues have been fixed, but some problems still need fixing.
If a pro wants to pick it up and finish it I’d be happy to help, please shout here, otherwise, i will try to bypass my github restrictions and push it there if i can.

I tested with 2 lenses, 6mm 3MP, and 2.5mm 8MP fisheye for more than 12 hrs. It has not been tested on Rock 5B yet cause the iqfile need to be written from scratch.

Here are the before and after, so you can see what the colors look like:

1 - 6mm 3MP

2 - 2.5mm 8MP fisheye

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