Connect Arducam HQ Camera to ROCK5B

4048x3040, 10 fps, 12bbp which seems to be maximum of what this sensor can do with 2 mipi lanes.

Unfortunately I cannot compare them as I don’t have any ov sensors laying around, but I can make some photos later. Probably “later” whould be when I finish my project of 360 camera creation, which I hope I can do in 1-2 month.

No need to rush, thanks.
I compared ov13855 vs imx415 6 months ago but the OV driver was/is in such bad shape and has no available documentation. I was curious to know a direct comparison on the same board. I would be happy with a screenshot with gstreamer when you have time.

There has been some time since I last commented here, but I can finally say, the first prototypes have arrived and I was able to port the Arducam driver also to the Rock5A, I’ll share a picture which shows a Arducam Pivariety camera, tuning is not perfect yet and there might be a lot that needs to be improved but … here is a proof of concept :slight_smile: (it’s also a little out of focus, didn’t have my glasses on while playing with it)

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Out of curiosity, what are those avionics control-level things drawn on the screen?

It’s an open source digital video transmission system for drones. Which I develop for:

My rk3399 with imx477 images were above. Anybody know which i’m missing? is this helpful at all?

Also, what board would be rk3399? That’s not Rock5

AFAIK you need a file like this for imx415 to have correct color correction etc. /etc/iqfiles/imx415_RADXA-CAMERA-4K_DEFAULT.json

you need somebody to tune the sensor for your board, it isn’t universally

A little hint, currently I have prototypes for the IMX462 and IMX708 on my Rock5A and Rock5B working.
Currently discussing when/how availability will be handled, and after that I’ll merge the drivers/overlays into the Radxa kernels.
Primary they are made for rkr3.4 but I have also made them work on 4.1.


You are probably using original lenses which have blue tint on the filter and I swapped those lenses with m12 lenses which have orange tint, that explains colour issues. Sorry that I did not mention that earlier, I’ll take a look if I still have original lens for test.

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@cnoah unfortunately I left all my CS mounts and original lens on the other side of frontline, so I can’t make another iqfile for you right now. But it’s not so hard, you just need macbeth calibration target and couple LED lamps to start with.

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Any further news about Arducam supporting the Rock Pi?

Drivers/tuning are ready for imx462 B0333 and imx708 but adapters are not ready to be sold, when they’ll offer those I’ll push the drivers/tuning into the official radxa kernel.

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Hi there Raphael. Are there any plans for the adapter being sold this year? I came across this thread and all the hard work you and everyone else here has put in I’m eager to try it out. Thank you!

Hi, sorry for the late reply, currently it’s really buisy, I’ll talk to them as soon as possible, I may also just bild the adapter that @kwankiu posted and test it, sadly I’m also quite overworked, so it all is taking a lot more time than it should.
I’m also trying to get Rockchip to finally reply to my mails to finally give us documentation, since up until now we had to work without official documentation/sdk’s


I haven’t been looking at this post for a while as I have been working on other stuff, but I remember that somebody said that we might need some active components for the adapter to work, I am not sure about that but you may want to take a look :

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No worries appreciate the response! My use case might be different from most here I’m looking at using it for an electronics microscope. This combination with a nice optical lens will make nicer than most high-end microscopes out there especially with all the post-processing available.

If you do get some connectors made I’d be happy to contribute but the comment from @kwankiu may come into play. Thanks.


What a great idea!

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I might be able to get hold of a cm5 and when I’ll make it work in a cm4 carrier, I should be able to release drivers and everything needed for that, so … that’s one thing I can do, then it should make it more interesting to build an adapter