I am trying to get the Raspberry Pi Camera V2.1 running for 3 day now.
I want to use it with the OpenCV VideoCapture Class.
I’ve already build OpenCV for Ubunt. But with “VideoCapture cap(0);” i’ve got some errors. So I looked at the posts in the forum: https://forum.radxa.com/t/opencv-with-raspberry-pi-cam-rock-pi-4b/636, https://forum.radxa.com/t/installing-opencv-on-the-rock-pi4b/88/6, and some others.
First I got some errors when I tried to open the camera, but in one post Jack from the Radxa team wrote the gstreamer-rockchip-extra library is needed. So I installed it in Ubuntu with sudo apt-get install gstreamer1.0-rockchip1-extra. With the library installed the error don’t occur anymore but the program won’t continue after the line with VideoCapture cap(0).
My next step was trying to build OpenCV on Debian (https://dl.radxa.com/rockpi/images/debian/rockpi4_debian_stretch_lxde_armhf_20181105_2120-gpt.img.gz) but it always failed.
I’ve also tried install OpenCV with sudo apt-get install opencv4.0 and sudo apt install opencv4.0
but under Debian there are no packages available.
Can you help me getting this running?
Will there be a release of Ubuntu with raspberry pi camera support?
How can I properly install OpenCV under Debian or how can I get the camera running under Ubuntu?
Thank you for your help!