5x2 Pin Diagram?

Setting up a NAS with a RP5 and the Penta Sata Hat. I want to connect a 2 wire fan to the 5x2 header. I have the pin configuration listed here: https://wiki.radxa.com/Dual_Quad_SATA_HAT

But I don’t understand the orientation of the connector – and if it’s labeled, I can’t read it :slight_smile:
Are pins 1 and 2 at the edge of the board as I’ve guessed in this picture, or do I have it reversed?

If I have it right, I’m going to connect the red wire to pin 4 (5v) and the black to 9 (GND). Hopefully that’s the correct procedure. Thank you!

I have the same plan to connect extra fan to this board. But I thin on the board you have correct pinout printed.

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Thank you for verifying this! Fan is working great on mine!