Zero 3W; Using the 22-Pin MIPI CSI for touchscreen?


Since the Zero 3W has a 22-Pin MIPI CSI (4-lane) I was wondering if it could be used to connect a touchscreen such as the Radxa Display 10 FHD?

It (Zero 3W) isn’t listed as compatible for the monitor and checking the Zero 2 Pro which is listed compatible:
31-pin MIPI CSI
39-pin MIPI DSI

So I don’t know the first thing about MIPI but DSI seems to be short for “Display Serial Interface” and CSI to be short for “Camera Serial Interface”.

So there is a hardware limitation for this in the Zero 3W so it will (never) be supported?
Looking for an easy way to connect a touchscreen that supports orientation.

Best Regards

Ooops, me too - getting a 4"&5" round TOUCH Display and thought to drive them with ZERO or ROCK 3E.
We will see 🤷🏻

Hello have you had any success?

So far no success connecting the DSI display to Radxa Zero or Rock 3c. Either a DSI to DMI board or the corresponding connections on the Radxa’s are missing. The 5" display has an HDMI board & works.

You could or must connect to the Radxa’s via GPIO. This is new territory for me… like the whole topic.
I have ordered 2 other displays that are already connected to Android boards and then try to derive it from them.

It’s tedious how secretive the manufacturers/sellers are - they know the customer’s needs in advance and are too vague about problems. That’s annoying

…this is what you get AFTER buying Displays :ok_hand:

I am trying to create custom overlay to get the DSI port of Radxa Zero 2 Pro working with the Waveshare 4 inch DSI LCD

Waveshare do push the overlay dts file to Raspberry Pi Linux GitHub here but I am surprised that I cannot find any overlay done by Radxa for Radxa Zero 2 Pro regarding the DSI interface here

As for what you are trying to achieve: If I understand it correctly, you are trying to use the 22 Pin MIPI CSI interface to drive a DSI monitor? AFAIK it’s not possible, at least to my ability. I think for example the Radxa Zero 2 Pro’s MIPI DSI interface routes some of its pins to some kind of DisplayPort while normally a MIPI CSI interface routes it to the SoC’s ISP to process the sensor’s raw data, which is completely different.

If you want to achieve a ‘one cable’ solution for a touch screen for Radxa Zero 3W/E, a custom PCB with a USB and HDM layout and cable-wrap the USB cable and HDMI into one could be a neat solution.

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No…i kniw i cant connet to csi :grin:
Radxa boards poorly fit my needs. Got 2 other displays with attached Android boards RK3566/88’s, problem is to connect the other displays via Fpc-30 pins, breakout boards ect blabla - not familiar to that stuff. All that connectors :man_facepalming:t2: