Zero 3W - Can't detect WiFi

I am using a Zero 3W, 2 GB with no eMMC.

The SD Card boots Debian XFCE b6. On first boot, I upgraded packages and rebooted. Ever since, the WiFi Adapter is not getting detected.

sudo apt update -y && sudo apt upgrade -y && sudo reboot

After it finished rebooting, the Network Connection dropdown at the top does not list any SSIDs.

nmcli radio shows that the WiFi radio is enabled. nmcli device only shows lo and no other devices. Because of this, I can’t scan for SSIDs and subsequently can’t connect to any network.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Please check that the aic8800-sdio-dkms package is installed.

This question is fixed, please wait for the APT update. Before that, you can try to delete /lib/udev/rules.d/99-radxa-aic8800.rules and restart.