Yocto rock5b -> platform not booting

Actual rock5b build fails with: https://github.com/radxa/meta-rockchip/issues/1
Update: when removed wifi from kernel image can be build but after flashing to SDcard I see only:

LPDDR4X, 2112MHz
channel[0] BW=16 Col=10 Bk=8 CS0 Row=17 CS=1 Die BW=16 Size=2048MB
channel[1] BW=16 Col=10 Bk=8 CS0 Row=17 CS=1 Die BW=16 Size=2048MB
channel[2] BW=16 Col=10 Bk=8 CS0 Row=17 CS=1 Die BW=16 Size=2048MB
channel[3] BW=16 Col=10 Bk=8 CS0 Row=17 CS=1 Die BW=16 Size=2048MB

and that’s it.

Any ideas pls? Thanks.

cool didn’t it take long to flash the update.img with rkdevtool to a sdcard ?

and how you removed wifi from the kernel image , i cannot find a kernel image ?

I removed kernel driver by following append:

FILESEXTRAPATHS:prepend := "${THISDIR}/files:"

SRC_URI:append = " \
        file://wifi.cfg \

and content of wifi.cfg is:

I flashed wic image directly to SD card I didn’t use rkdevtool or others.

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since when is a wic image a gpt image ?, and if not mistaken doesnt the attached gui say flash wic with rkdevtool ?

yep chapter 3


Wic is complete image with partitions. If it won’t work how then board start booting?

Which gui you’re referring to pls?

ehh it is just in the readme of meta rockchip wich you see when you visit that repo

Yes I was using it that way for rk3399 where there is no SD card and it was flashed to emmc directly. But for SD card we can flash it directly IMO. Did you try it please? Also how about kernel build issue? Thanks.

This is content of wks which create wic file:

# 0~32K: gpt
bootloader --ptable gpt
part --source rawcopy --sourceparams="file=idblock.img" --align 32 --no-table
part --source rawcopy --sourceparams="file=uboot.img" --part-name uboot --align 8192
part --source rawcopy --sourceparams="file=trust.img" --part-name trust
part --source rawcopy --sourceparams="file=boot.img" --part-name boot
part / --source rootfs --fstype ${RK_ROOTFS_TYPE} --part-name rootfs --uuid ${RK_ROOTDEV_UUID} --align 8192

OK made it working using following steps:

  1. build core-image-minimal
  2. use maskrom mode to flash loader to emmc using this steps: https://wiki.radxa.com/Rock5/install/usb-install-emmc
  3. instead of debian image I’ve used core-image-minimal-*.wic to flash using sudo rkdeveloptool wl 0 core-image-minimal-*.wic
  4. boot board and it boot to yocto

Sorry for the noise but I think this part should be in wiki for yocto ;). I can share kas config + build script for building yocto easy way. Also please fix mentioned bug in : https://github.com/radxa/meta-rockchip/issues/1


i just used the rootfs wich it makes

I am using a custom yocto build with a Rock 3A, and in my xp you should be able to dd the wic file straight on to uSD or emmc without a problem, the WIC is a complete gpt image file.

The GPT image is valid though it can be repaired to do things like put a backup of the GPT table at the end of the image among other things. I haven’t worked out how to resolve that issue within a build but it hasnt been a core part of my testing.

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