X4 PoE Hat PLUS Heatsink possible?

Can these be used together? With the mounting hardware provided I cannot figure it out. Has anyone managed to get it working?

They can be assembled together. Use M2.5*9+3 copper pillars to fix them.


Thanks!! I will have another go. I’m not sure I have all the screws/spacers!

This doesn’t really represent the products people are getting.

In reality, the 12V power pin on the X4 are too long and don’t allow for the PoE HAT to be inserted all the way down

The GPIO header is passthrough but the 12V and the 4-pin header for PoE power are not.

Did you cut the pins shorter?

We did not cut the pins, The 12V 2pin cannot be inserted to the bottom, for compatibility with other SBCs.

Yeah, I cannot make this work properly. See attached. The hex spacer screw is too long so that it cannot hold the board tightly to the heatsink.

We keep telling them it doesn’t work and they keep posting Photoshoped images.

The spacers/standoffs included don’t work and The 12V pin on mine and of the other folks that have it, is too long and does not allow for the PoE HAT to be pushed down all the way.

This header and the PoE power header should be pass through.

The spacers/standoffs included is M2.59+6.
If you need to install the heat sink and POE hat at the same time, you need to use M2.5
9+3 hex spacer screw. So, you need to buy M2.5*9+3 hex spacer screws or cut off the excess length for current screws.
The reason for this issue is that POE needs to compatible different SBCs. We will discuss a long-term solution.
Sorry for the trouble this has caused you.

Thanks Ryann,

I’ve ordered the spacers (VERY hard to track down!).

Easiest solution would be to ship the m2.5*9+3 as well, I think. And make it clear in the instructions.


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Hy Ryann, compatible with what other boards? It doesn’t make much sense to me to include spacers that don’t work with the heatsink since the vast majority of people will need the heatsink on the X4

Yup, we have fix this on next batch.
The POE HAT is also for other Rock series SBCs.