Wireless network login password not accepted

Just did a new install on a Rock Pi 4 C plus. No problem with the install, however when I attempt to log on to a local wireless network the system will not accept the network password. Either net cable has never been connected.

which os do you used, can you paste the kernel log here?

Are you using a wireless network password with a wpa3 key, we don’t support wpa3 keys at the moment.

Which key should I use?

I have been fooling around with this problem for months now. In reading the forum it would appear that some of the Rock Pi 4C+s were shipped without wifi chips. I can’t locate one on the two Pi 4C+s that I have. It would seem that Radxa owes me two Rock Pis that support wifi as advertised. The two I have are of no use to me.

You can try wpa 2 psk

Can you show me the 4c+ photo?