Windows won't install without additional drivers

I have a X2L with a Patriot SSD and I’m trying to install Windows. I’ve tried Windows 10 and Windows 11 using various utilities to create the USB drive including Ventoy. On all of them I get this message during setup:

“A media driver your computer needs is missing. This could be a DVD, USB or Hard disk driver.”

I’ve checked the bios and the m.2 drive is recognized. All the devices appear to be working.

Anyone have any idea what driver is needed and is it available anywhere?

Now, let’s open the google


A media driver your computer needs is missing. This could be a DVD, USB or Hard disk driver.

Lets open the first link

Hmmm, seems like this error is not about TO where you install OS. But about FROM

Next time please google how to prepare windows image

You can use the roobi os