Windows Driver Package For Rock Pi X

Because the official radxa driver archive is a bit messy to install, and there is no way to get a working graphics driver, I copied all drivers from the OEM-image (that I don’t like and that you can’t reset without deleting the drivers) for you to install on a clean copy of windows. This includes many drivers that windows gets automatically, but also some, like the hd graphics driver, that are otherwise unobtainable. I also added the files for the AP6254 wifi module used on the new rock pi, because I’ve seen many people struggle to get wifi working with the new v1.41 and it doesn’t hurt on the older models.

To install:!ApoBDNC1zD6bgdJtb_UwpiIeE2kn3w?e=2Lmbli

Download the .zip archive and extract it. open the folder and run the install.bat file as administrator.

it will take a couple of minutes to install, and then you should restart your rock pi.

I hope I could help someone out there :slight_smile:

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Another way that works for me was the tool “driver easy” it founds all drivers.

The driver install for 1.41 works very well! Thanks for making this! :slight_smile:

Spent all night finding all the WiFi drivers, tried all 6255 and 6254. All can’t make it works.

Finally saw your post, and all the problems gone!!!

Thanks a lot my friend!!!

I’m glad I could help. Do you think it would be advantageous to add something about the wifi driver in the title to make the post easier to find? It seems that the wifi driver is the most used feature of this package.

Just for info: With the offical supplied Drivers + Windows Updates “Optional Updates”, I was able to install working driver for everything.

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Great, that makes it easier for the future. For me that sadly didn’t work at the time I made this post.