Will it support Proxmox or OPNSense?
I pre-ordered one (again, without knowing if mainline-support will come).
Since the RK3588 the mainline-support was very lackluster, still is (even tho involved people give a lot of their resources to it). Now with the RK3588 situation worsened, thanks to the parts being used in war-drones,
I have to ask.
With the PCI-E (Gen4 8 lane) giving the options for nearly any NIC you can get, this would open a world of opportunities for building a router/firewall/server platform. With low power requirements.
But then, again, what (apart of UEFI and not only device-tree) level of hardware-support for kernels/linux/FreeBSD will we get here (or will we be stuck with OpenWRT and blobs in a far future) and on what time-frame can we have our expectations?
Thank you for a non-marketing and instead a direct answer to this.