WiFi 6E/ Bluetooth Card M.2

I found the following:

AX210NGW WiFi 6E Card M.2 5400Mbps Tri-Band Wireless Module for laptop,11AX WiFi Adapter with Bluetooth 5.3,MU-MIMO, Ultra-Low Latency, NGFF, Supports Windows 11/10 (64bit)


Before I buy I want to double check if this will work with the Rock 5A running Armbian?

WiFi should works out of the box in Armbian 23.8 and newer versions. Firmware changes (remove pnvm bin) are not required any more. BT requires installing the armbian-firmware-full package manually.

radxa@rock-5a:~$ inxi -M -N -E
  Type: ARM System: Radxa ROCK 5A details: N/A
  Device-1: Intel Wi-Fi 6 AX210/AX211/AX411 160MHz driver: iwlwifi
  Device-2: rk3588-gmac driver: rk_gmac_dwmac
  Device-1: Intel AX210 Bluetooth type: USB driver: btusb
  Report: hciconfig ID: hci0 state: up
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Thank you @nyanmisaka, much appreciated!

So I finally got the system up and running, got the armbian-firmware-full, opened the Bluetooth devices and set my bluetooth speaker to discover. Took a lot of tries, finally the speaker comes up and I try to connect and and tells me connection failed. What could be wrong?

Show us a picture of your box, with antennas. :slight_smile:

  • Bad signal quality? (no antenna connected or using a metal case)
  • Missing bluetooth related system dependencies?

Check if bluez is installed

I’m going to assume after you said antenna(s) <---- I would need something like this:

Bluetooth MHF4 IPEX 2.4Ghz 5Ghz 5.8G WLAN Network Adapter PC WiFi Antenna for Intel 7260 8260 8265 9265 9260 9560 AX200 AX Killer M.2 IPEX4 Wi-Fi Wireless WLAN Card Banana Pi 4 M2 Zero


In a word: the MAIN antenna is for Wi-Fi and AUX is for Bluetooth.
Yes, you need one more antenna.

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Figured once you said antennas. Would the same type that I use for the wifi also work with BT? Thank you for the reply.

Yes, they’re exactly the same.

perfect, thank you!