I just bought a Radxa 4Cplus and a Radxa 5B SBC. These cards are on sale on the Radxa web site, where I ordered them from. There is nothing wrong with the hardware, but there is NO software support for the cards. Why do Radxa keep selling cards with no software support?
For both cards the “latest” OS images are more than 1.5 years old!!! Until Radxa stopped supporting the cards, there were a new OS image released every month, then stop. So, Radxa no longer support the SBC but they are still selling. Why?
When I install and do an update on the old software, I get lots of error messages and sometimes the boot will hang afterwards. It’s not possible (or a good idea) to run old outdated software, so an update is mandatory. But then a update brake the old OS images, why are they even listed?
Radxa should make a statement about software support and how long after the cards are leased they stop supporting the software. This is vital for the use of the cards for those of us that cannot compile new OS images. Community images like Dietpi, Armbian and so on have many missing features and are not at all a substitute for a tailor made OS with all the customization that is needed to make the SBC run to its fullest.
Please, Radxa, do something about software support, or make it clear to all customers that software support will sees after a few years after the cards are released. Sett a date for the end of software support, OR make and test new OS images that work with your hardware until you stop selling it. Be honest about your software support.
Please take some inspiration from Raspberry Pi software support!