Here are links to two images that I have tried:
When the first of these images boots with the 6.12.8 kernel it does so without driving the HDMI display attached to the min-HDMI connector. It can be ssh’ed via the network. “sudo apt update; sudo apt upgrade” advances the kernel (“linux-image-current-rockchip64”) to version 6.12.11 which fails to boot. The ‘blue’ heartbeat LED flashes twice during the boot process and then stays off (this with the PENTA HAT installed).
When I use the second of these images, with the 6.1.63 kernel, it DOES drive the HDMI display. Using “apt-mark” to prevent kernel, firmware and bsp updates, “apt update; apt upgrade” then updates the rest of Armbian to 24.11.1.
I have just tried the latest community image at:
with the 6.12.12 kernel. That again fails to drive the HDMI display. I does boot and the ‘blue’ heartbeat LED blinks twice at about half-second intervals - but the wired eth0 networking does not seem to come up, so no SSH and without a display I am somewhat blind.
My concern is to stay current/up-to-date with a working kernel version that continues to drive the HDMI display. I can ‘pin’ the kernel updates for now, but in the long run I really ought to be taking the updates.