I have to agree with you. Some blame rockchip, some might even say they have zero issues with x and y power bricks the truth is that at some point it doesnt behave right.
At some point I thought the spi flashing would solve it which it did for a short time I mean if I used only armbian would be fine but then if I flash a MicroSD use it for another system and then remove it to go back to the nvme these things starts to happen again…
Some will say its me not knowing what I am doing the truth is… I have done plenty of testings and every now and then it hangs…
I want to believe there might be a permanent solution for this and amazingfate seems to be working on a ‘hack’ to let it boot without messing up cause the truth is that… on nvme without usb devices plugged it tends to boot right / right after it boots you can plug them back on it wont shutdown or reboot… so theres some communication time gap that gets triggered by the usb theres something there yes and doesnt make sense we go full 200W power bricks just cause of some sort of glitch… tbh… this is a sbc that uses low power and its powerfull enough to handle big things.
Jeroen look… this sounds depreciative but the truth is that… its not a big deal… you will have tons of fun with it and Im pretty sure a solution will came up.
I use armbian on my nvme and openfyde on MicroSD Im not even using the emmc atm (I might for future storage or anything…).
I remember saying in the past OpenFyde didnt had any of these hanging issues like on Armbian… the truth is that once I moved OpenFyde to the nvme the same hanging issues started to happen. So its not openfyde that is better than Armbian at all its just the nvme and usb’s. Emmc has some tricky things too…
Its the nvme crapping up energy or communication times idk… if this misbehaves now with an ssd storage I wonder how bad it will with an pci 3.0 GPU card…
Anyway its not all bad. Ive read before that some folks used some codes to fix the voltage and that it solved everything idk if thats entirely true I havent tried going that way… mostly cause it makes me confusion specially since each flashing could void those terminal inputs… so whats the point ? Each Operative System u will be flashing will require those rules… sounds to me that a more permanent solution to that needs be rulled out.
Theres is one thing Id like to add maybe you would like to investigate this @amazingfate
Armbian OS the 22.0 version jammy I was able to reboot without needing to power cut.
Since 23.0 those issues came back.
Idk if the 22.0 had some kind of power control in its system that lost it to the 23.0 but it had it under control.
I like to keep it simple… I use this board for fun and I like to test other systems not everything goes right straight away but theres always a solution.