What is the most supported OS for the Rock 5B?

I’m currently setting up 2 of my Rock 5B’s to send off to my developers and have been asked to add the OS with the most support for the Rock 5B. I have seen mentions in articles about Debian 11 but again not too entirely sure what OS is best for me to install.

Can anyone give me some ideas / tips?

There are no much differences. Armbian has a bit more advantage as its a proper distribution, but its not much further or different than stock.

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I’m currently setting up 2 of my Rock 5B’s to send off to my developers and have been asked to add the OS with the most support for the Rock 5B. I have seen mentions in articles about Debian 11 but again not too entirely sure what OS is best for me to install.

I’m in almost this exact situation. Which of the methods radxa provides is kept most up to date with current developments and best overall for including Rock5-specific patchsets?

I hope I’m not missing any, but these seem to be the three methods on the Github.

You pasted wrong link to Armbian. That is unmaintained fork Radxa made.

Armbian -> https://www.armbian.com/rock-5b/

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Good to know. I’ll edit if I can

Currently, its debian 11 with the rock5 being new. My experience with the rock4 was that armbian will have the most support in future.

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