Waiting for waydroid container service…
Failed to load binder driver
modprobe: FATAL: Module binder_linux not found in directory /lib/modules/5.10.110-rockchip-rk3588
Binder node “binder” for waydroid not found
you either need to rebuild kernel with those modules enabled or install dkms. If you were on an archlinux based distro (RebornOS) i could give u instructions since i dont use debian based distros.
How do I do that? I press pull request and… copy paste that code for rpardini to… develop kernel for it ?
(Im not 100% familiarized how on these moves work so apologies if I sound dumb).
I’m using your RebornOS from Github. Could you give me instructions on how to get Waydroid (or Anbox) to run?
I can’t install binder and ashmem via dkms cause the kernel does not support KProbes. On the other hand I can’t figure out how to recompile the kernel for RebornOS cause the radxa wiki has only info about how to do it for debian based systems and when I try that in RebornOS make exits with error 2 upon Makefile line 1920…
So yeah, instructions on how to get Waydroid to run on RebornOS would be really helpful. Also: Is it possible to get GPU support for Waydroid? What would I have to choose in the installer for that to happen?