Hi there,
I’m trying to set up WOL on the rockpi4b using the debian image. I’m following the following guides:
Wake on lan (2013) and Debian wiki Wake on lan (2019).
However, the /etc/network/interfaces file is empty (but refers to interfaces.d), but /etc/network/interfaces.d is a folder without any contents.
So where is the contents for the interfaces (e.g. static ip) file now then ? And how should i configure wake on lan then ? Should i just add in /etc/network/interfaces ? I tried but it didn’t work…
iface eth0 inet dhcp
post-up /sbin/ethtool -s $IFACE wol g
post-down /sbin/ethtool -s $IFACE wol g
I hope anyone can help me, this gets me really confused.