Hiya, I’m trying to get Vulkan (or “Vk” will do!) to work on the CM3 (Lavapipe is great, but too slow).
As I understand it, there are two options:
ARM’s closed blob - libmali.so? Not to be found anywhere on the internet (except an old version for Odroid - https://developer.arm.com/downloads/-/mali-drivers/user-space) What I did find after lots of digging seemed to have GL but not VK.
Panfrost/PanVK - build yourself using Mesa, but not “official” (Panfrost is, PanVK isn’t - https://github.com/Mesa3D/mesa/tree/main/src/panfrost/vulkan).
#1 requires the open source bifrost_kbase kernel module, #2 requires the panfrost one. Is that right?
Apparently the kernel support needs a 5.10+ kernel: I found this radxa image that’s got everything:
(… which has been superceded by “b24” a couple of hours ago I see)
This has kernel modules for bifrost_kbase and panfrost. So I thought I’d start by removing bifrost and running panfrost, but when I set up the modules the way I think this should work (remove the bifrost module, comment out the blacklist entries, depmod -a) it stops the OS from booting.
Any thoughts? Anyone got Vulkan or a “Vk” going on any Rockchip board anywhere? You can ship me the ARM blob using my secret email address if you want.