First thanks to all, for their efforts on Recalbox and RockPi development,
especially MrFixit in that specific case 
I already tried the last (beta) recalbox image from link above and it worked really well.
Until now I found no bugs or issues! The performance is also really great. All games I tested until now (N64, PSP, etc.), worked well.
I found a similar image for the RockPro board, also released from MrFixit.
My primary question now is, how’s the future plan?
Is it planned to create a Recalbox Fork for all RK3399 boards ? Or is it even planned to migrate with generic Recalbox version and add RK3399 support to that?
If anybody knows it, here are two further questions from my side:
- Current RK3399-Recalbox version is based on which Recalbox version? (I assume latest offical with some further updates, is that correct so far)?
- Is it planned to add also further emulators, like Dolphin to RK3399 boards, because the hardware is far more poweful as a standard PI and I’d like to see what’s really possible with it