Using custom EDID file with Ubuntu 22.04 on Rock 5B

I am currently using Ubuntu 22.04 with one of the following as the preferred managers:

  • GNOME on Wayland
  • Weston

I need to connect my Rock 5B to a display running at 480x480@60. I do have a .bin file for the EDID of the display.

Previously, working on an NXP-based Yocto system I was able to do this with a fw_setenv bootargs “drm.edid_firmware=edid/custom.bin” command after placing the binary blob to /lib/firmware/edid.

What would be the easiest way to do the same on the Rock 5B?

drm.edid_firmware is a generic kernel parameter. You can added it to /etc/kernel/cmdline file, then run sudo u-boot-update on our system to update the boot config.

I do need to point out that Ubuntu is not officially supported, especially not their Desktop. You should use our Debian Desktop image instead, which is the only officially supported variant we provide.


Works like a charm, thanks!