USBNet with windows host pc

I am trying to use USBNet of my Rock Pi 4B+ with my computer because Wi-Fi is a bit too slow for ssh, vnc to my x11vnc, and my router is like anyone else in the living room so if I use an Ethernet cable and I need to do something with the pins it would not be very pleasant. The USBNet guide states that the host PC must be running a Linux OS and my computer is running Windows 10. I’ve been trying to find a solution and even with Linux itself but I don’t find any which either people don’t normally do this or I am just bad at searching.

can you elaborate? you are trying to use ssh but over wifi it is slow ? what are you trying to accomplish with pin heads ?why not connect it with screen directly then ?

I only have 2 monitors and both are used on my computer. when using Wi-Fi not only the vnc will really slow down but also my rust analyzer extension in VSCode (ssh) because the packages I use are quite heavy, yes I tried, and even after almost 20-minute the Rust analyzer is still not finished fetching metadata. I am making a device out of this rock pi which is a VR headset as you already know so I need to connect a few things to test the button input, I2C, etc. Now you may ask why can’t I just leave it in my living room connected to my router with all the sensors? well I need to test them and I need a real-time preview of the readings and I can’t use my living room TV because well someone’s gonna watch the TV

does your router has 10/100/1000 ethernet connection ? are wifi anthennas connected well ? what is the signal level that you are getting ?have you tried using iperf to check how much you upload and download ? about the screen : why not buy 10’’ external monitor on ebay for around 40$ ?

Well, I am on a budget, and due to the currency of my country, $40 is actually pretty expensive. I am not sure about those specifications or the wifi level, though my router is fine and the rock pi doesn’t seem to have any external Wi-Fi dongle port so I expect the on-board antenna is fine. besides, I still eventually going to need to use the USB OTG to communicate with SteamVR on my computer so I still need to figure out how to even use this Linux USB OTG stuff and communicate with it on my PC.

so after a bit just trying to use my Wi-Fi, I remembered that the rock pi have an issue connecting to my home wifi but easily with the guest network so I went to connect it to the guest network and it for some reason worked better. so I guess I don’t really need USBNet for now, still going to need to figure out how to use the OTG for serial communication though.