USB C stops working after erasing eMMC - V Zero 2 pro

Hi, I’m experiencing issues with clearing eMMC, and I could really use some help.

I’m following the instructions outlined here:

After clearing eMMC, I’m unable to use any peripherals on USB-C. This renders the Radxa Zero 2 Pro unusable, and I’m unsure if I missed a step or if there’s something else I should be doing.

This issue persists whether I write the Linux image to eMMC or use SD after clearing the memory. Here are the steps I’ve followed:

1- Connect Radxa Zero 2 Pro in maskrom mode by pressing the maskrom button.
2- Install zagdig and the required driver.
3- Open RZ USB boot and run the file radxa-zero2-2pro-erase-emmc.bin.
4- Use Etcher to install into eMMC. This process took about 3 hours. If there’s a way to expedite this, please let me know.

After completing these steps, Radxa won’t recognize any peripherals. Any guidance would be greatly appreciated.