Unbrick Radxa E25

Hi, guys
Are there means to unbrick Radxa E25?
Now I’m able to boot from sd card only, holding a little button on the board which disables the whole eMMC module at once. When trying to write loader.bin or image.img according to the procedure RKBatchTool fails with the message “Prepare IDB Fail” (as described on the wiki page).
But I cannot use the method from that page - for Radxa E25 its impossible because corresponding pins are unreachable.
How to unbrick eMMC on Radxa E25?

How did you manage this ? I have the same issue, I have tried different versions of RKDevTool, same issue

Hi, Mickkael! Unfortunately, I have not find a solution to use eMMC built-in, I can boot only from sd card now
I do not know, maybe the vendor knows a solution?

I didn’t manage to install the OS from USB OTG on the emmc, but I have been able to boot from SD and then copy the OS on eMMC and boot from it.

  1. with rufus or other tool, copy the OS to your SD card.
  2. insert in the E25 and boot. You can see the console through the USB-C that also bring power. on my windows it was COM5 with speed 115200 , check in the device manager to find yours (appears only after you boot the device)
  3. login with rock - rock if you use ubuntu OS
  4. change to root: sudo su - (password rock)
  5. list the devices with lsblk
  6. copy the copy of the SD card to the emmc
    dd if=/dev/<your_sdcard_device_name_from_lsblk> of=/dev/mmcblk0 bs=1M
  7. The copy could be long. You might see errors if your SD card is a higher capacity than emmc. Once completed, poweroff , remove the sdcard and boot

Oh, you have another issue, or not exactly mine, in such case

Something happened with my Radxa E25 box which prevents it from booting up from SD card, it always tries to boot from eMMC. But It cannot boot from eMMC because there is no image there. And I cannot flash eMMC using RKBatchTool (it’s bricked?)

The only thing I can do is to disable whole the eMMC circuit by the button, and to boot from SD card which becomes available in this case. But, obviously, there is no eMMC in the system any more after this, it’s not seen, and I cannot copy neither SD card nor any other image to it