Unable to start Android system using self compiled images

Using the guidance of this article:
Rock5/guide/android12 - Radxa Wiki
compile Android:
radxa:rock-android12 $ source build/envsetup.sh
radxa:rock-android12 $ lunch RadxaRock5B-userdebug
radxa:rock-android12 $ ./build.sh -UACKup

And use balenaEtcher to flash gpt.img into the SD card
gpt.img: rock5a/RADXAROCK5A_USERDEBUG_RK3588S-ROCK-5A_ENG…20230724.223006_20230724.2230/IMAGES/gpt.img

but android cannot boot up. It enters recovery every time.

Does anyone know what’s going on?

Does the image contain all the partitions? They are listed as not able to be mounted.

I noticed this,
E: Trying mount fs/dev/block/mmc/blk0p1 to vfat
E: Trying mount/dev/block/mmcblk0p1 to ntfs
E: Trying mount/dev/block/mmcblk0 ntfs
E: Failed to mount/mnt/external_sd error: no such device

E: [libfs_mgr] Failed to open ‘/dev/block/by name/cache’: No such file or directory
E: [libfs_mgr] Failed to mount/cache: No such file or directory

E: Failed to mount/cache/recovery/last_ Locate
E: Failed to clear BCB message: failed to open/dev/block/by name/msic: No such file or directory

I am using the official compilation script,how to solve this issus?

Yes, this is what I was referring to. Can you check if the SD card (or whatever you’re using) contains all of the partitions required? You can view them using lsblk -t or gnome disks or gparted.

This is lsblk -t result

this is sudo fdisk -l

All the partitions seem to be present, I don’t know what’s wrong then. Maybe 5A has trouble with this particular SD card? On 5B some that work with Linux don’t work on Android.

Is it possible that this issus is related to spi nor flash?

@punan2010 were you able to get it working?