Unable to prepare emmc for a Zero 3w. Shows up as Unknown Device

Hello everyone. I recently bought a new Zero 3w, but have not had any luck setting it up.

The first time I plugged it in, it showed up as Unknown Device #1 in Device Manager. I went through the steps to prepare the Zero (Not the Zero 3w, so I believe this may be an issue), such as installing a driver onto my computer, and attempting to rename it within Zadig to GX-CHIP & changing the driver as I was seeing in the guide, despite not having the same USB ID in the guide.

I’ve since found the proper instructions for the Zero 3w, but I am unable to complete them. When trying to apply the loader and image, it gives me the error “Creating image object failed, stop running!”.

I am using the loader from the guide, file name/path here: C:\Users\windows\Downloads\radxa-cm3-io-idbloader-g8684d740b9f.img

I am also using the image from the guide, file name / path here: C:\Users\windows\Downloads\rk356x_spl_loader_ddr1056_v1.12.109_no_check_todly .bin

Device manager photos:

Im worried I have broken it :confused:

Can someone give me some guidance please?

Um, don’t you need to flash an actual Linux image to the eMMC, not just a loader?

I have tried applying their image in place of this

file name / path here:


^ This is the image within a folder of the same name, created when I extracted it from the compressed xz download.

But I get the same result :thinking:

I also have no idea what Im doing, as you can tell :slight_smile:

I have also tried to use Etcher but can’t get the device to show up. Forgot to mention that.

I am sorry but I don’t have a zero 3W so can’t help much more. However, it seems to me that the manual might guide you (or there is a problem with it). I’m not sure what the loader does but it’s probably needed to flash the eMMC (but of course don’t flash the loader itself onto the eMMC).

There’s an alternative (longer) method to get an image on to the eMMC, described here: Flashing of eMMC on Radxa Zero 3W fails

Just tried it (as I read of some users bricking their boards by maskrom issues?) and can confirm it works

That’s my go to method tbh. You avoid using the Rockchip crap software.

I have just successfully flashed the Android image on the eMMC.
Use the rk356x_spl_loader_ddr1056_v1.10.111.bin not the recommended one. But unfortunately the Android image is old and doesn’t support the new wireless chip.

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