Unable to modify GPIO values

Hello, I am attempting to modify GPIO values to validate behaviour of LEDs on the HAT hardware I have attached to a Rock 3A. The LEDs are on GPIO0_D1 and GPIO0_D0.

Board is running the latest Debian CLI image (kernel 5.10). I have tried using both libgpiod and the sys/class/gpio interfaces (I am aware this is deprecated). I have also tried using the 4.19 Ubuntu CLI image and experienced the same issue.

Can be reproduced:

$ gpioget 0 25
$ gpioset 0 25=0
$ gpioget 0 25

The i2c-detect and related i2c-tools are working, and recognise devices connected to the i2c-2 and i2c-3 buses when I enable the overlays.

For those curious, I ended up cross-compiling libmraa with Buildroot on the Radxa_Rock_3A branch, which allowed GPIO, I2C, SPI, etc controls, and resolved this issue.