Debian Buster booting using the images from you on a fresh bootup when running npu_powerctl I get the following
Error opening /sys/class/gpio/gpio10/value value=0:
Error opening /sys/class/gpio/gpio56/value value=0:
Error opening /sys/class/gpio/gpio55/value value=0:
Error opening /sys/class/gpio/gpio54/value value=0:
Error opening /sys/class/gpio/gpio11/value value=0:
Error opening /sys/class/gpio/gpio4/value value=0:
Error opening /sys/class/gpio/gpio36/value value=0:
Error opening /sys/class/gpio/gpio32/value value=0:
after running everything works as it should. I assume then that I wil have to run this command on bootup if I want the npu to work; unless radxa has plans to address this?