Unable to fully sync rock 4c android10 code

Unfortunately, I take 2 days to sync the rock pi4c Android 10 code and it still failed.
how can i fix it? please


This is err tips:

pi@build:~/worksapce:$ repo sync | > ~/repo.log
Fetching projects: 0% (3/737) platform/frameworks/baseerror: Cannot fetch rk/platform/vendor/rockchip/common (GitError: rk/platform/vendor/rockchip/common update-ref: fatal: a6b6c3558f8bafbdd5d5efe3aabdcd9dbce93fe2^0: not a valid SHA1
… and more

error.GitError: rk/platform/vendor/rockchip/common update-ref: fatal: a6b6c3558f8bafbdd5d5efe3aabdcd9dbce93fe2^0: not a valid SHA1

Also I’ve failed repo sync below.
Any idea would be highly appreciated.

ispark@e7:~/rock-android11$ repo init -u https://github.com/radxa/manifests.git -b Android11_Radxa_rk11 -m rockchip-r-release.xml
ispark@e7:~/rock-android11$ repo sync -d --no-tags -j4
Fetching: 63% (500/785) rk/hardware/rk29/sensorerror.GitError: Cannot fetch kernel/configs update-ref: fatal: 92eb6e4985f89504ea472eaec0be7c99c8d2cd4e^0: not a valid SHA1

Fetching: 100% (785/785), done in 1h22m8.620s
Garbage collecting: 100% (785/785), done in 5.453s
error.GitError: Cannot fetch kernel/configs update-ref: fatal: 92eb6e4985f89504ea472eaec0be7c99c8d2cd4e^0: not a valid SHA1