Unable to access eMMC of radxa CM5 on Raspberry pi cm4 IO board


I have a Radxa CM5 SOM module, and I was trying to flash into its eMMC using the Raspberry Pi cm4 IO board. While I was able to flash into it earlier, now I am facing issues out of the blue!

When put in Maskrom mode the command
OptiPlex-7060:/media/rockchip$ sudo rkdeveloptool ld
retuns :
DevNo=1 Vid=0x2207,Pid=0x350b,LocationID=101 Maskrom
The device is getting detected!

But when I try to perform any actions related to eMMC it fails to respond to any of the following commands:
OptiPlex-7060:/media/rockchip$ sudo rkdeveloptool td
Test Device failed!
OptiPlex-7060:/media/rockchip$ sudo rkdeveloptool rid
Reading flash ID failed!
OptiPlex-7060:/media/rockchip$ sudo rkdeveloptool rfi
Read Flash Info failed!
OptiPlex-7060:/media/rockchip$ sudo rkdeveloptool rci
Read Chip Info failed!
OptiPlex-7060:/media/rockchip$ sudo rkdeveloptool rcb
Read capability Fail!
OptiPlex-7060:/media/rockchip$ sudo rkdeveloptool ef
Starting to erase flash…
Getting flash info from device failed!

Last OS I flashed into it is Ubuntu 22.04 from here.

The board boots fine and I am able to use it normally. But I am unable to flash into its eMMC with a different OS in Maskrom mode out of nowhere.

Any help is appreciated, need help debugging the issue.


  1. RKDevelopTool burned image needs to be unpacked.
  2. You need to burn in loader.bin before operation. https://dl.radxa.com/rock5/sw/images/loader/rk3588_spl_loader_v1.15.113.bin
  3. You can try to overwrite the original image directly with the wl command.

Hi @ken ,
Thank you for the response.
I have already tried to burn loader bin file, but it fails saying Write LBA failed!
In fact all the commands except list device are failing :slightly_frowning_face:

have a try:

  1. rkdeveloptool ld
  2. rkdeveloptool db rk3588_spl_loader_v1.15.113.bin
  3. rkdeveloptool ef
  4. rkdeveloptool rd

If you have a debugging serial port, you can post a log.