UEFI / EDK2 on the Rock 5B

Thank you SleepWalker,
FreeBSD is working (only via serial console) but it’s okay for a first test.
Next test was with Fedora. GRUB console is working but afterwards only dump errors are visible. Nothing with I can handle.
Not good news.


try it with other distros maybe arch or debian also the hated and loved ubuntu and why not armbian generic

Do you mean starting the system with M2\SSD using EDK2 (EDK2-EFI is placed on the SD card)?

Oh sure.

UEFI can be written to both eMMC and SPI FLASH I think.

The current PCIe driver in UEFI does not work correctly at all.

For example, I draw four NVMe from me, although I actually have one. All this is very strange.
If you add PCIe2 support then UEFI can add support for 2.5GbE Ethernet via the driver provided by REALTEK UEFI UNDI Driver for RTL8125


This may look very good on Rock 5B.

Hi @RadxaYuntian.

The Chinese New Year is already approaching.
Maybe Rockchip will give us a gift and add HDMI support to EUFI.
When can we expect good news?

I was working on another product lately. While I didn’t hear anything from Rockchip tight now, I’m expecting to start working on 5B after CNY. I’ll then collect the community feedback and try submitting them to Rockchip.


Do you know if HDMI support is in progress right now, or if Rockchip hasn’t yet started working on it?

Can you please reupload these files to a site other than Yandex? Given the current geopolitical situation, many of us probably won’t trust Yandex to host firmware images.

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They said they are working on it a while back. I’ll follow up on it with the community feedback.

Just provide checksum out-of-band or sign the files. There is no secure channel so we gotta learn to live with insecure channel.

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For details and updates, see this topic.

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Each image has a sha checksum
I think the question was about access to certain resources on the network (geography)

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Would DP + USB3 over USB-C also work with UEFI?

Maybe running Windows on Rock5B,
to encourage Rockchip to be more active in Tianocore EDK2?

@SleepWalker could you be so kind as to re-upload your freebsd image, the url currently 404’s.

Also, is anyone aware of any progress with HDMI?

Windows / UEFI on Rock 5 (Mega thread) this thread seems to suggest it’s working for windows??

@mkthngswrk, HDMI works, for Rock 3A and Rock 5B.
Bootable FreeBSD SD card image for Radxa-E25


Thanks @SleepWalker tried this image on my 5B didn’t seem to boot. Do I need to do something to the image?


This is an SD card image for Radxa E25.
You can burn it to an SD card and run it on the E25.

It can also be used to test FreeBSD on other devices on the RK356x,
but then it needs to be written to a USB flash and your device’s UEFI to an SD card or EMMc.

At the same time, the FDT mode is used on the E25, and when testing on other devices,
I recommend using the ACPI mode.

FreeBSD does not currently support RK3588, so
You need UEFI for Radxa Rock-5B.

Thanks, using that image and this https://github.com/edk2-porting/edk2-rk35xx/releases/tag/v0.6 on the Rock 5B I managed to get it to boot with HDMI console. Currently stuck in a loop of

error resolving pool 0.freebsd.pool.ntp.org: Name does not resolve (8)

I guess I just need to disable ntpd for now since there is no ethernet.

Ok, Nice :joy:

If pcie20 worked correctly in UEFI,
then the system would detect pcie RTL8125 on the bus,
and we would have a working Ethernet.