Ubuntu Server for Rock3A

@jack @anon39001862


I want to build Ubuntu Server for Rock3A
Must I follow this guide?

How to use the latest kernel and built it with it?

Can the kernel please be updated to 4.19.219, it is very important for what I want to build.

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Getting the following error when running ./dev-shell

Building Docker environment…
Got permission denied while trying to connect to the Docker daemon socket at unix:///var/run/docker.sock: Post “http://%2Fva
&target=&ulimits=null&version=1”: dial unix /var/run/docker.sock: connect: permission denied
Enter Docker container…
docker: unknown server OS: .
See ‘docker run --help’.

@Stephen Please help on this problem.

Yes, if someone can help with an easy way to have working Docker with permissions on Ubuntu 20.04 PC to build Ubuntu Server for Rock3A that would help a lot.
The Docker documentation is a little complicated.

Why do you need to use kernel 4.19.219 at least?

We are going to upgrade kernel to 4.19. 232. It’s under test.

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I will try with older kernel.
Do you have instructions to setup Docker easily with required permission, official Docker documentation is not very helpful?

There are also Armbian ubuntu server images available with both legacy (4.19) and mainline kernel (5.17)

@catalinii Thanks I saw now Armbian can also build server images much easier.
But I need Ubuntu Server 20.04 and Armbian can only build 22.05 :frowning:


Hi, do you perhaps know how to solve this build problem after running
/build.sh -c rk3568 -b rock-3a -m ubuntu -d focal -v server -a arm64 -f gpt


2022/05/27 03:58:22 error creating fakemachine: kvm backend not supported: open /dev/kvm: no such file or directory, uml backend not supported: user-mode-linux not installed
2022/05/27 03:58:22 fakemachine not supported, running on the host!
2022/05/27 03:58:22 ==== debootstrap ====
2022/05/27 03:58:23 Debootstrap | /usr/sbin/debootstrap: 1628: cannot create /media/mo123/Work1/Radxa-Ubuntu/debos-radxa/output/.debos-3464726753/root/test-dev-null: Permission denied
2022/05/27 03:58:23 Debootstrap | E: Cannot install into target ‘/media/mo123/Work1/Radxa-Ubuntu/debos-radxa/output/.debos-3464726753/root’ mounted with noexec or nodev
2022/05/27 03:58:23 debootstrap.log | cat: /media/mo123/Work1/Radxa-Ubuntu/debos-radxa/output/.debos-3464726753/root/debootstrap/debootstrap.log: No such file or directory
2022/05/27 03:58:23 Action debootstrap failed at stage Run, error: exit status 1

22.05 is internal Armbian version, while Armbian can build any kind of userland you need, except very old ones where it has no point in keeping them in the system (Xenial, Bionic, Jessie, …). All other you can build. With presentation kernel or mainline. And tested in many ways.

When you fix all errors of the DebOS build system you will also need to fix all errors in the “Ubuntu” and its cheap hardware interface. I am sure you don’t want that …